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Alumni News Letter, 1936 Librarian. Library Journal, O., assisted by SEALOCK, RICHARD B. Woodside Docs Read' \ kurvey (of the reading interests and habits of a local community 1935 ' 244 r > $1.50 This study was made under the auspices of the Queensboroujzh Puhlir Q Phis Sealock Curator ot tne i-ong lsianu collection. (Reviewed in Library I mal, 1. 1<>35). " * K INKY, MILDRED A. Upon a Rock. Library Journal, 60:507-08. June IS 1935 LEWIS, LEORA J. The Small Library in Regional Planning. A.L.A. Bull 29-783^ 787. Oct., 1935. EY, GK U;F. E 'it J * c • n • ion' — ° y 1:16,42. Sept.-Oct., 193D. M ARABLE, MARY H A Y S . Case Record of a Bookseller. Publishers' Weekly 12?y 1735-38. May 4, 1935. ' LKLLAN, MARY B. Contemporary Fiction in Polish. Library Journal, 61: 154-55. February 15, 1936. IRKS, MARY. A Short Summary of Wyoming Libraries. Library Journal 00:514-15. June 15, 1935. PHILLIPS, GRACE D. Behind the Scenes in the Peiping National Library. Boone Library School Quarterly, 7:561-571. December, 1935. . The Boone Library School Through the Eyes of a Newcomer. Boone Library School Quarterly, 7:315-318. June, 1935. PRICE, WILLODKEN and T I C E N , ZELMA E. Index to Vocations, compiled by the |High School Reference Division, Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County, Indiana. (This includes the analysis of books and pamphlets in that library). Mimeographed, 111 p. 1936. RICHARDSON, MABEL K. Kildeer. Dorrance and Company, Philadelphia, Pa. $1.75. This was published just in time for the Christmas Season. Miss Richardson is the librarian of the University of South Dakota and is well known as a Western poet. She has included here poems of the prairie, the Dakotas, the Yosemite, the Indian as well as two fine groups called "War" | and "Wings." ROGAX, OCTAVIA A. Grand Lodge of Texas Library, A.F. & A.M. News Notes of the Texas Library Association, Dallas, Texas. 11:2-4. October, 1935. SEALOCK, RICHARD B. See entry under KELLEY, GRACE O. bHORTKss, Lois F. Public Library Service to Schools. A.L.A. Bulletin, 29:183-5. April, 1935. SISTER MARY ELVIRA, O.S.P. Intellectual and Spiritual Growth Through Reading. The Catholic School Journal, 35:211-213. August, 1935. STONE, CHARLES H. Conference on Southern Library Education. 10:318-319, 331. January, 1936. HOMSOX, ANNABELLE. The Browsing Corner. Eastern Illinois State Teachers ] College News. October 1, 1935. °WXE, J. E. Separately Shelved College-Library Collections. Library Quarterly, L 5:323-340. July, 1935. . /T AT A IROTIER, A. H. Economies in the Cataloging of Continuations. (In A.L.A. Catalog Section. Catalogers' and Classifiers' Yearbook, No. 4, 1934. I P- 34-38) Cataloging; a textbook for use in Libraries, by Henry A. Sharp, a review. Library Journal, 60:966. December 15, 1935. A System of Bibliographic Classification, by Henry E. Bliss, a review. Library journal, 61:24-25. January 1, 1936. WILKIF, ESTHER. New Mexico State Library Service. Library Journal, 60:511Li 12. June 15, 1935. Ur WINDSOR. MARGARET. Technical Book Review Index. fjbrary Journal, 61:44. January 15, 1936. ^ . „ _,.., The Selection of Science Books. Wilson Bulletin, 10:37.w8. February, 1936. ^ f I.KKKOKTTER, GtRTRUtJE. Union Subject List of Special Collections in Ohio College, University and Seminary Libraries. 5 p. 1935. Mimeographed. University of Cincinnati Library. LLOYD, BRILLA MAY. lnd thc 8cho I Hbraf
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