UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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aalin Constance K., Boulder, I A. It.. Gre*s, Kl./abeth, Bellairc, O A It I?«; r r « i > of Col., 1933; Stud. aast.. Bethany roll U , LindshorK, Kans., 1OJ9-30; Asst., h ! 9 2 nranCh a i M Rouider »*» • 1^30-33. l9 3 0-32 " Omn^wXrt* # llktrovd. Margaret S., El Paio, Tex. A . B . , Heducock. Vivian,* Laa Veiras N M e x earcock. Vem w I Unii. of Tex.. 1933; Aaat., El Paso P u b . A l l . , New Mexico N o r m a l ^ & n i ? " 1931; I IQJI-32; Stud. asst.. Coll. of Mines i-inn., New Mexico Normal U n i v . , ' l and Metallurgy, Kl Paso, Tex., 1932-33; Hcnnes.sy. fnm* ]."&n?L™W^tll Filing as**-. Cat. Dept.. Univ. of 111., 1934; Northwestern Univ., 1933; Stud! asst.,' A»t., Kl Paso Pub. U 1<U4Lancaster H . S . . 1929-30; Stud «tit., t a r r y . Louise,* Manhattan, Kan. U.S., Kan. Northwestern Univ. L., 1931-33- Stud. i Stan Coll.. 1931; Asst. lilm., Carnegie asst., Order Dept., Univ. of 111. l l , 1934. Free Pub L., Manhattan, Kan., 1931Hinkley, Mary E., Springfield, Mo. A. I)., „ „ IKt.He. Ruth, I'rbana, 111. U.S., Univ. of HI 1929; Stud. Asst., Classics L., Univ. of UK, 1924-29; Teacher, Home e c , U r - Housh, Marion F . , Galesburg, 111. A.B., hana Jr. H.S., 1929-33. f J U aS8t,> K n O X C o H 1 ' Jtond, Martha S., layetteville, A r k . A . B . , L J93^?33 r I'niv. of Ark., 1933; Stud, asst., Univ. of Inness, Helen E., Galesburg, 111. A.B., Knox 193 ; Sl d a st Kno Ark., 1930-33; Cataloger, Univ. of 111. Lib. £?™'*,; i Pam ft " J " * Coll. L., 29 33 hl Sch.. 1934; Asst., Univ. of 111. L. School, J?, ; P ct Cataloger, Univ. of rt III. L., 1934. Summer, 1934. Johnson, Dorothy E., Oak Park, 111. B.S., Booth, Eleanor, Temple Hill, Chefoo, ShanUniv. of 111., 1933; Stud, asst., Oak Park tung, China. A.B., Northwestern Univ., H . S . , 1925-29; Asst., Oak Park Pub. L., 1929. Summer, 1928. Brings, Virginia, Bonne T e r r e , M o . A.]}., Lucas, Lucile E., Clarksville, Ark. A.B., ICentral Coll., 1933; Stud, asst., Central Coll. of the Ozarks, 1933. Coll. L., 1930-33. McColgin. Mabel R.,** Indianapolis, Ind. hesire, Esther E. A.,* St. Louis, Mo. A.B., A.B., Western Coll. for Women, 1922; State Univ. of l a . , 1928; Asst. in charge, Office asst., Indiana Pub. L. Com., 1922-23; | Dental L., State Univ. of l a . , 1928-31; Libn., Huntington Coll., 1923-25; Libn., .Vast, Cat. Dept., St. Louis Univ., 19312 Fort Wayne, I n d . , H.S., 1926-27; Asst. Coleman, Henry E., Lexington, Ky. A.M., libn., Western Coll. for Women, 1927• Centre Coll., 1931; A.M., Univ. of N o . 1 Mclver, Catherine, Guilford College, N.C. Car., 1933. A.B., Woman's Coll., Univ. of N. Car., pooley, Mrs. Bertha H.,* Morton, III., A.ft., 1933; Stud, asst., Woman's Coll. L., Univ. | A.M., Univ. of III., 1927, 1931; Asst., of N . Car., 1930-33; Asst., Binding Dept., Loan Dept., Univ. of 111.. 1931Univ. of 111. L., Summer, 1934. Dorsey, Dorothy B., Columbia, M o . A.I)., Morrow, Priscilla K., Epping, N.D. A.B.. [ A.M., Univ. of Mo., 1924, 1927; InstrucUniv. of N.D., 1933; Stud, asst., Univ. of tor of History, Stephens Coll., 1927-29. N.D., 1932. 1 Eastin, Britomarte, Galesburg, 111. A.I)., Nelson, Inga L.,* Vermilion, S.D. A.B., I MacMurray Coll. for Women, 1933; Stud. Univ. of S. D., 1930; Gen. asst., Univ. I Asst., MacMurray Coll. L., 1930 Apof S.D., 19301 prentice, Kewanee Pub. L., 1933. Phtllips, Ruth, Knoxville, Tenn. A.B., 1 Evans, Mrs. Mary E.,* Memphis, T e n n . A.M., Univ. of Tenn., 1928, 1930; Stud. I A.B., Central Coll., Conway, Ark., 1921; asst., 1926-30, General asst., Univ. of A.B., Ouachita Coll., 1925; Acting Head, Tenn., 1930-33; A s s t , Exchange Div. and : Schools Dept., Cossitt Pub. L., Memphis, Math. L., Univ. of 111. L., Summer, 1934. Tenn., 1928-30; Asst., Children's Dept., Polley, Jennie E.,»* Struthers, O. B.S., Ohio J Cossitt P u b . L., 1930-34; Asst., Catalog Univ., 1923; Libn., Jr.-Sr. H.S., Campbell, Dept., Cossitt Pub. L., 1934Ohio, 1926-29; Teacher, Youngstown, O., *annon, Dorothy D., Colfax, 111. A.B., 1929I Eureka Coll., 1932; Stud, asst., Eureka Sanderson, Elizabeth W., Bowling Green, Coll., 1929. Mo. A.A., Stephens Coll., 1929; A . B , 1 Western Coll. for Women, 1932; Branch Findly, Elizabeth, Iowa City, l a . A.I?., asst., New York Pub. L., Summers, 1930, I)rake Univ., 1929: Stud, asst., Drake I'niv. L., 1926-29; Principal and Teacher 1931. of Social Sciences, Geneva, la., H.S., 1929Schwei'ckart, Ruth L., Hamilton, O. B.S., Miami Univ., 1933; Stud, asst., Univ. of I 33; Chaperon, Campbell Cottage. Urbana, Cincinnati L., 1931; Stud. Asst., Miami III., 1934; Asst., Circ. Dept., Univ. of l a . , Univ. L., 1933; Pamphlet cataloger, Univ. Summer, 1934. of 111. L., 1934. 'lint, Almelyne C , Sioux Falls, S.D. A.B., Shoenberger, Elizabeth k.. Cincinnati, U. Augustana Coll., Sioux Falls, 1933 Circ. \ 11 Colleee of Mt. St. Joseph. 1933. a^st., Augustana Coll. L., 1932-33. 2 ,ster 'Ma?y Ada W e i r i c k v * ( j o £ t UL A.B., erhard, Emilouise,* Grcencastle, I n d A.B.. DePaul Univ., 1929; Libn.. St. Francis Dept., [JePauw Univ., 1929; Asst., Loan Acad., 1933m DePauw Univ. L., 1929Toliet, 111. Sister Mary Elvira Bredel, raham, Mae I.,** Fayetteville, N X . A.B., Asst. libn., -North Carolina Coll. for Women, 1925; Substitute, New York Pub. L.. Summer, A.B. West Stal J930; Asst. hbn., High Point, N.C. U.S., Libn., U.S., Texas Teach 1928Claude, Graves, Mrs. Louise H., Charleston. W . Va. Stanford, Tex.. 1932-34.Evanston, III. A.B.. Edward B., ;VB., W. Va. St. Coll., 1930; Stud, asst., Dartmouth Coll.. I9J2! Asst., Rewrv* and « " • Va. St. Coll. L., 1928-30; Primary Period. Dept., Dartmouth Coll. L., 193234. teacher, 1930-33. ^Im^Toyed 1934. 'Temporary summer employment. 'Registered second semester only.


