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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 18 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
_ Sister Mary Hugh, librarian of Mundelein College, 'The School Libra™ I Director of Student Reading." Catholic Library World, 4:62-63 April v 1J, 1933. ' I Sister Mary Reparata, librarian of Rosary College, River Forest IIli lois. "The value of Catholic periodicals to college students," Catholic World :17-18, November 15, 1931. Smith, Charles W., "Periodicals and future scholarship," Wilson Bulfctin 6:229-32, December, 1932. Statham, Henry G., "Library service to Alumni of American Univer•ty." District of Columbia Libraries 2: 1932. • Stone, Charles H., "Difficulties encountered by trained school librarians I s a basis for the revision of the professional curriculum." Library Quarterly 3:66-86, January, 1933. K Tomczak, Agnes, head cataloger of the St. Louis University Library, lad an article, "The magazine section in the Catholic Library," Catholic Library World 3:2, September, 1931, in which she advocated periodical exchanges among Catholic libraries as a means of building up their collections. I Waters, Willard O., "American imprints 1648-1747, in the Huntington Library, supplementing Evans, American Bibliography," Huntington Library Bulletin, pp. 1-96, February, 1933. I Wilcox, Jerome K., has compiled "State lists of birds, a bibliography," fend "Pluto, the ninth planet, a bibliography" appearing as Reference lists numbers 23 and 24 of the John Crerar Library. I Wilcox, Jerome K., "Shortcomings of government documents and suggested remedies," Library Journal 58:203, March, 1933. I Wilcox, Jerome K., has had charge of printing and distributing the new ['Directory of Libraries in the Chicago Area" published by the Chicago Lirary Club. It is now ready for distribution. ! ACTIVITIES OF ALUMNI IN T H E A.L.A., T H E C.L.A., AND IN STATE LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION James J. Hill, assistant librarian of Oklahoma University, is a member pf the Committee on Public Documents and is also on the Committee on ISpecial Memberships. Christine Sanders, librarian of the Free Library Service Bureau at Little Rock, Arkansas, is to be Chairman of the Small Libraries Round Table of the Catalog Section of the A.L.A. Conference next October. Anita M. Hostetter, executive assistant of the Board of Education for ibrarianship, spoke at the Mid-Winter Meeting on "Aims of Library Instruction in Teachers Colleges" before a group of normal school and teachlers college librarians. i Frances Warner, loan librarian of the Iowa State College Library, is a member of the Committee in charge of the College Librarians of the Middle West. Jackson E. Towne, librarian of Michigan State College Library, is Chairman of the Steering Committee of the University and Reference Librarians. Marie Hostetter, associate, University of Illinois Library School, is the Chairman of the Exhibit Booth and Contact Committee of the School Ligether, at the section booth at the A „ librarians who need help along certain lines and those who are experienced along these lines. [S]
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