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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 17 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Anna V. knninijs. librarian, Male IVarlicrs Coll* ,-, Kearney v Jt v braska, was Chairman Oi' College Libraries Si rhon. * Mav ln-lcs, librarian of the Technical Hitfli School Library, o m . . dn Nebraska, was Chairman of School Librai >et Section. ' K Ada Hculnon, reference librarian. State Teachers College, Kmoori ,a Kansas, was Chairman of Reference Librarians Section > Mac C Anders, assistant librarian of Des Moines I'nblic Library w* J as Chairman of the Exhibits Committee, Mary Eileen Ahem gave an address before the (luieral Session , Reminiscences and Prophecies. Ruth Hammond and Johanna Ha^cy spoke on their experiences m ' Wichita and Cedar Rapids with Fine Cancellation Week. ' Alma M. Penrose spoke on short cuts in library methods for medium sized libraries, especially in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Lila II. Wood rut"!' spoke on how the "Economic and Social Crisis Has Affected Reference Work" in Lincoln, Nebraska, Public Library. Emma Felsenthal, University of Iowa Library, lead the discussion 0n on the "Reading of High School Pupils." Illinois Library Association, l Xl0 R> an Hbrarian Public October Mcctimj V,S v T . n ' > , Library, Jacksonville, was second \ ice-President, Beatrice Broughton, Extension Division, Illinois State LiT Mf W i n d r Sp ke on L a S r f a f - S 1 p ' ?° ° , "Certification for Illinois Librarians. Char otte Ryan presided over the second General Session and Amelia Krieg, Assistant Director of the Library School, was Chairman of Utl0nS Cot ,ttee f W h i c h M a eH c s s f c r S^T°h T ' ° . General D M s f o n T t S Wa SO member A n n a P H t a d of D i v S i ^ o"the Stat r"h *?\ ™> the Extens o EZgffltiS^*"^ and Eli2abcth C £££3X5 fift fa-TS^iar^l^ Jerome K S ? < * * « *•*»» >" erome K Alumni Association oresided M ! J - Wilcox, President of the Sh rt a n d 0ther members of t h e ' f ^ ^ t ^ ^ e T n . ^ * ° ^ Louisiana Library Association Oklahoma Library sociSTn S , ^ 0 J S ; C Association °' °«™' S £ " £ ° " wiA «he Southwestern Library As™ Teachers CoUeee, E d n i , ^ l a h L t ~ f o S S S ? Oklahoma Education Association quan is Chairman of the Library ££, C,ta,„g d e p a r t s J 3 • )•• 1932 r t ? «ege. **W-33. Bess Stewart City Public L i b r a r y ^ e r s Co Montana Library Association tary 1931-32. [12 J County Library, was Secre-
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