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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 16 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Dkkton, M. H.. Childrtn't D****~U Public Library. Houston. Tw^-tn^m UnWertity of TCXM Library. A"J» M*un Dulin. Martma R.. now Mrs. Frank Mj »' Stewart, Reference Department, Unireraity EubanlTRntuSl j!', Lubbock County Library, Grothaua, Julia E., Carnegie Public Library, San Antonio. .. Hardin, Robert, High School Library, Mc- I 2 • i"t|i»M^f V¥l »»' m Southwest l e x a s brary. Si Clan aha McClanahan, lira. I'-atie nre fjj «. "»*« hoollj I Agricultural Coll./.- i Peavv, Flora C . Texaik Library* Texarkaaa. « » Geo..— veraity ox Texas, M Rogan, Octavla P., Cr.iwi M • om c Lodte 0/ Texas Library, Wa * * ' • Allen. _ . ,_ . . . . Harrison, Alice S., High School L f t p r y . Austin. Houston, Mary £., Reference Depart mi-nt, r-ahlic Lihrarx-, San Antonio. Howell. Sibyl Grenlu-n, West Texas Su* Teachers College I >ibrary. Canyon. Humphreys, Opal, North Texas Agricultural College Library, Arlington. Scrim, i. M..i\ «. f.Mr>. Kay Treich! • Catalog an*i Uftstn I)»p m«nt, Agricultural an<l Median College of rexai Library College St.it 1 Taylor, Mary l». Department of Library Sd «nee, I State < «.ii-.e for Womcs, Denton. W a r n e r , Margaret K., Catalog Department, Potter County Free Library, Amarillo. William-, ( . ()p.il. Ka^t T 1^ State Teachen College Library, < merce. Vt sitj rhii ma' and ml; per Let >tuc don com be t« theii WHO'S WHO IN LIBRARY SERYICK Have you filled in your blank for the Who's Who in over modest, and say "This is not intended for me." The scope of the Who's Who is to be very largely that of a directory of members of the profes1 re la . . . ? I* ?. P ce for the next few years, the directories which individual schools have been issuing. Its many uses to he individual are evident. It will be the basis of many staN aturall S r W !l '% , , y we are interested in having our COmp etely ™ K,!!, -l ^presented as possible. If you discarded Williamson, 531 W every € blank noti in a< coop mod< news meral Salar our 1 Thosi anda create 10 off, Y noisl. a: «X Pro J«ct *»d Si? *1 S 1 i-M
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