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*n n> Bertha K.. Fort Row*. Hospital Library, North FLORIDA Hi own Oty« Burnice, Circulation Departn, ; . v £ t . Futoc Library, Jack*nville. ^ ^ i „ tmins, Thcodoaia A, f Catalog Department, I nivcrsity of rlorida Library, Gainesville. p f c h c y , Ethel E., Periodical and Binding 1 department, University of Florida Library, v, incsville, • ^ GEORGIA Howard, Clara E„ Library School, Emory I'niversity, Atlanta. Leatherman, Marian, Agnes Scott College Ubrary, Decatur. Prfcsey, Julia C , Library School, Emory I'niversity, Emory University, >;fcce, Dorothy V., Bessie Tift College Ltiry, Forsyth. To: ranee, Mary, Catalog Department, Emory University Library. Emory University. W>eth, Ola M., Public Library, Savannah. I lUmiey, Luc tie, Loan Dtpai nt, M, State Teachers' College Ubrary, ilattfa*burg. Watts, Mary L , Prentiss Consollds ihgh School Library, Prentiaa. ^ ^ Whitehurst, Emily B., University }i. H h School Library, Oxford. OKLAHOMA Babcock, Lucy A., Northeastern State Teachers College Library, Tahlcquah. Campbell, Grace A., Reference Department. Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College. Stillwater. Cowan, Mrs. Maude (John), Southeastern Teachers College Library, Durant. Cox, Henry C , Southeastern State Teachers College Library, Durant. Curtis, Elva, Junior High School Library, Ponca City. Dewitt, Willie A., Loan Department, University of Oklahoma Library, Norman. Hart, Lucy C , Periodical Department, University of Oklahoma Library, Norman. Henkins, Orva E., High School Library. Bristow. Herrick, Grace E., Library School, University of Oklahoma, Norman. Hill, James J., University of Oklahoma Library, Norman. Kennedy, Frances M., Reference Department, Carnegie Library, Oklahoma City. Low, Edmon, East Central State Teachers College Library, Ada. McGeorge, Mary H., Reference Librarian. Public Library, Tulsa. Marable, Mrs. Mary Hays, Oklahoma City University Library, Oklahoma City. Porter. Mrs. Cora Case, Public Library, Muskogee. Quick, Mary E., now Mrs. Spencer, Catalog Department, Public Library. Tulsa. Rader, Jesse L., School of Library Science, University of Oklahoma, Norman. Roe, Miriam, Catalog Department, Southwestern State Teachers' College Library, Weatherford. Saunders, Mary A., Oklahoma Library Commission, Oklahoma City. Smith, Addie E., Reference Department. Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, Stillwater. Spencer, Eunice L., Loan Department. Oklahoma A. & M. College Library, Stillwater. Stewart, Bessie J.. Catalog Department, Carnegie Library, Oklahoma City. Sullens, Elsie D., Catalog Department, Oklahoma College for Women Library, Chickas ha. Swofford, Mary L., Central State Teachers College Library, Edmond. Wright, Icelle E., Oklahoma A. & M. College Library, Stillwater. TEXAS Acklin, Pauline, College of Industrial Arts Library, Denton. Aldridge, Thelma, Sims Library, Naxahachu Baker, Lorena, Loan Department, University of Texas, Austin. Brashears, Lottie M., North Texas State l each era College, 1>< nton. Buffum, Mary S . State College for Women Library, Denton. Canova, Madeline F., Ix>an Department, University of Texas, Austin, Coffin. Helen I . > talog Department. Southern Methodist University, Dallas. ( nrry, Arthur R.. Mary Cmits Burnett Ltbrary. Texas Christian University, Fort \\ «>rth SchoJ mx *nl LOUISIANA Bovlan, H. Elaine, Louisiana State Univerity School of Library Science, Baton art K »uge. CAipbell, Mrs. Ruth Bates, Reference De^ K r t m e n t , Hill Memorial Library, Louisiana > ate University. Baton Rouge. Cook, Maud M., Catalog Department, LouisI n a State University, Baton Rouge. Davis, Reba (Mrs. Clinton Clevenger), 2127 Carondelet St., New Orleans. Fl.tk, Charles R., Southwestern Louisiana of 1 stitute Library, Lafayette, ^odte, Lucy B., Catalog Department, New Hill Memorial Library, University of Louisiana, Baton Rouge. >a pr< ,>p, Arthur E. f Middle American Research ^Department Library, Tulane University, New Orleans. r. C Harper, Hariet R., Dodd Junior College for (lirls Library, Shreveport. Hejtlman, Margaret M., School of Library v | . :ience, Louisiana State University, Baton I Rouge. Librar James, Mary Helen, Reference Department, r Tulane University Library, New Orleans. pN\ ton, Charlotte, Library School, Louisiana Mate University, Baton Rouge. Patkinson, Mae (Mrs. Helmer U Webb), 3J429 Hampson st., New Orleans. Ro/zell, Lola M., Catalog Department, Southwestern Louisiana Institute Library, La• i tyette. »te« ^ • r t e s s , Lois F., State Department of Educ a t i o n , Baton Rouge. •»>th, Grace B. (Mrs. John McClure), 509 r»ry, . ^ • . R o y a l St., New Orleans. kt L i W » M V | b b , Helmer L., Tulane University Library, New Orleans. i M MISSISSIPPI fcter, Merle, High School, Brookhaven. >\> aan, M. Elizabeth, High School Library, •Tupelo. nt. V* • v i s , Thomas W., University of Mississippi ,h * * ^ i_Library, University. lers, Dorothy L., Green Memorial High f" hool, Jackson. •ity of Wkins. Anna E., John Clayton Fant Memorial Library, Mississippi State College tor Women, Columbus. P i Mrs. I.sephine II., All Saints' College Junior & library Vicksburg. JJrien, Myra, Mississippi Delta State Teachrr < ollcge Library, Cleveland ". •! He W State Library, I , kson. fter. An. . lli K h St hool Library, Itoxie. vj 1 u* MrvilN I ni
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