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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 14 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Clara Chamberlain Scott, '20-21 (Mrs. A. J . ) , after an absence of some years from library work has been appointed Senior Assistant at the Detroit Public Library. Ruth Sankee, '21, resigned from her position as Instructor in the North Carolina College for Women and was married in June to Homer Cory They are at home at 724 Michigan ave., Leavenworth, Kan. \eora J. Lewis, S.S., '21, '25, Secretary of the Library Commisof South Dakota is President of the League of Library Comsion missions Lois S. Shortess, '22-23, State Supervisor of School Libraries at Baton Rouged La., was elected President of the Louisiana State Library Association. Maude Davis, '24-25, formerly Head Cataloger in the University of North Dakota Library is Cataloger in the Library of Congress, Wash Fay Hart, '26, is Librarian of the Southern Illinois State Normal university, Carbondale, 111. Miriam Roe, '26, resigned from her position at the Teachers College at Chadron, Neb., to become Head Cataloger at the State Teachers College at Weatherford, Okla. Roberta Dulin Stewart, '26 (Mrs. F. M.), is in California for the winter as her husband has a leave of absence from the University of Tex Betty J. Britt, '25-26, is Librarian of the United States Veterans Wy Virginia Thornsburgh, '25-26, was married to John R. Jaques on October 23, 1930, in Urbana, 111. They will be at home at 640 Brooklyn ave., Oakland, Calif. Jessie Dobbs Bestow, '26-27 (Mrs. F r a n k ) , is Senior Assistant in the Tacoma Park Branch of the Public Library of the District of Columbia. Carlyle Morris, '26-27, Assistant in the Reference Department of the Chicago Public Library gives his home address as 420 N . Kenilworth ave., Oak Park, 111. Webb on the Worcester _-, , — , „ _ . Webb, '27, is Librarian of Tulane University. Mary Barrett, '27-28, Assistant in the State Teachers College Library, Hays, Kan. She spent the summer in Europe. " 2 8 . was awarded one of the Camden* T?AllmmrSchool Library Service in June; she has spent several months brother in Caracas, Venezuela, but will return to her position Oklahoma Library Commission. Cleona L. Case, '27-28, is Assistant Librarian at Talledega ( Talledega, Ala. Mary Silverthorn, '27-28, has been appointed Librarian Butman-Fish Library, Saginaw, Mich. [10] ! L™-, V& l ^ i rtfi*» h^c1 0 f ra I J^ ( • fr; ,- p J r Libra' ^ Q * I u t : J stat * nl 111. M( * I Mill Te* Lib Shi j Hi ve he U\ j th L c ]
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