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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 14 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
IVnil tines as applied to the support of libraries in Michigan, by feanette Klizabeth Van dor Ploeg. 1929. Adviser: Mr. Windsor. The library movement in South Dakota, with special reference to some outstanding libraries, by Mary Lois Crouch. 1930. Adviser: Miss Simpson. . . Historical survey of libraries of certain Catholic institutions of learning in the United States, by Sister Mary Margaret Agnes (Knoer). 1930. Adviser: Miss Simpson. The development and present status of the library movement in Nebraska, by Grace E. Lenfest. Adviser: Miss Simpson. (In progress.) Library Buildings A study of four university library buildings, by Carroll Preston Baber. 1927. Adviser: Mr. Windsor. Library Training Library Science in teacher training institutions, by Mary Susie Buffum. 1927. Adviser: Miss Simpson. A suggested course of study to train teacher librarians in a State Teachers College, by Barcus Tichenor. 1930. Adviser: Miss Boyd. The contribution of the Commission type of Summer Library School to Professional training, by Gladys F. Pratt. Adviser: Mr. Windsor. (In progress.) Miscellaneous Some aspects of the relation between circulation and size of staff in five branches of the Chicago Public Library, by Henry Graham Statham. 1929. Adviser: Mr. Windsor. Writing materials and implements used in early Christian libraries, by Christopher Urdahl Faye. 1930. Adviser: Miss Simpson. Agricultural periodicals in the United States, by Allen Ditmars Wilson. 1930. Adviser: Mr. Windsor. School marks and success in library service, by Irene M. Doyle. Adviser: Mr. Windsor. (In progress.) ALUMNI GOSSIP Elizabeth Porter Clarke, '96-97, has resigned from her position Librarian of Greenwich, Conn., and is taking a year's vacation. Florence M. Freeman, '99-1900. is Assistant Librarian of the Ix Long recent news item. Adam Strohm, '00, Librarian of the Detroit Public Library was elected President of the American Library Association at the Los Angeles Conference. Clara Howard, '00-01, took her M.S. degree at the School for Library Service, Columbia University; during 1928-30 she was Director of the Library School at the New Jersey College for Women at New [8] •
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