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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 14 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Hook Publishing the United U M M W l , by Downing p( U)ok Hook publishing in tuc yruuw I (Vllarra. 1**28. Adviser: Mr. Windsor. ^omo important French publishers of the nineteenth century by y\0t cuce M. Harding. 1<>29. Adviser: :\+rrWtmt*jr. ^ v , / ^ ^ /.\)«»/v* Selection coll 1927 Adviser: Miss »oyd. . The influence of public libraries as revealed through biography and autobiography, by Dorothy Miller Black. 1928. Adviser: Miss History and influence of the Catholic reading circle movement, by Sister Mary Aurelius (Brennan). 1930. Adviser: Miss Boyd. Factors influencing reading choices, by John Paul Stone. 1930. Adviser: Miss Boyd. Elements of popularity in fiction, by Mary Delia Taylor. 1930. Adviser: Miss Boyd. The need for a Readers' Adviser in the College Library, by Mildred Kohlstedt. Adviser: Miss Boyd. (In progress.) Objectives of a Course in Book Selection, by Isabelle F. Grant. Adviser: Miss Boyd. (In progress.) Cataloging and Classification Classification problems in agricultural libraries, by Sigmund von Frauendorfer. 1927. Adviser: Miss Bond. A study of the uniform entries used in the cataloging of sacred books and anonymous classics, by Frances Ida Ambuhl. 1928. Adviser: Miss Bond. A comparative study of some rules for the alphabetical arrangement of entries in library catalogues, by Ruth Nelle Latshaw. 1928. Adviser: Miss Bond. The classification of zoology for libraries; its principles and practice, by Icko Iben. 1929. Adviser: Miss Bond. A study of the treatment of religious subjects as set forth in the Decimal classification of Melville Dewey, by William Otto Baehr. 1930. Adviser: Miss Bond. Contemporary educational literature: its place in the Dewey Decimal Classification, by Arnold H. Trottier. Adviser: Miss Bond (In progress.) A selected list of subject headings in pure mathematics, including a comparative study of some important classifications of that subject, by Elvin S. Warrick. Adviser: Miss Bond. (In progress.) County Library Budgets of County libraries with less than 15,000 volumes, by Arthur E. Groppe. Adviser: Mr. Windsor. (In progress.) A study of existing County library laws and campaign methods used in securing County libraries under such laws, by Annabel L. Smith Adviser: Mr. Windsor. (In progress.) [61 ,,, States « y » t f Vfrom 1"
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