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TAIU.I Nn. 2 \ \ l K \< SALAKI. Cl.ASSIFIKn «Y i W l l u ANH BY TVFKS 01 Number Re- l.i„RAfcY Nu in ber Importing •..• • Assistant Librarian-. Branch or DopU Lib* Department He.uls.. Head Catalog-is. Classifiers, Revisers.. Cata lowers Reference Librarians Reference Assistants Library Assistant Hish School and School Librarians Pub. Lib. School Supervisors Children's Librarians Commission Heads.. U. S. Department Librarians Special L i b r a r i a n s . . . Library School , (Teaching) Related work, e.g., A. L. A., Editorial, Surveys, Foundations, Personnel.. . Total Number porting Re304 University and ColltfS L'bi.iiK M.ixinuiin Minimum Sal.« IN $1200 1000 1700 IfiOO \ ,.ra Public, S< I, ,|, SJM'< Libraries Maximum Salary $800() f A WO 2500 4 500 3200 2700 2400 3000 2300 2000 3700 poi t ing Salary $1500 Salary Minimum Salary $1000 1800 1 S00 1600 1 800 1 700 1300 1800 1 200 1300 1000 1600 1 500 2000 1800 1800 A V<T- lumber porting 106 43 29 37 Total Salary $26<M 2425 1906 229 5 2300 2250 1818 2166 1 795 1533 1883 2381 1816 2500 2320 2926 74 25 13 22 27 15 •IS 12 16 .woo 2200 .WOO 3200 25(H) 2400 2700 2200 1800 $23 21 2264 1000 29 1 800 1SOO 1200 l*oo 1200 1100 2175 2 419 21 \S 1 000 2215 1712 1502 <2 1H 10 IS 11 6 28 18 21 38 21 76 30 37 11 59 11 6 4 S 19 51 59 11 6 4 5 19 23 3000 2200 3000 3000 0600 23 0000 1800 3300 12 8600 2500 4133 12 The fact that the salaries for the assistant librarians and for the heads of departments seem almost equal to the salary of the librarian is accounted for by the fact that these positions are found only in the large libraries, whereas the salary of the librarian of the small library brings the average for that position down. In general the salaries for the public library positions are higher than for the college and university positions. It is interesting to note that the more highly specialized the position and the less it pertains to the more technical side of library work the better the salary. Table No. 3 gives the average salaries for men and women taking the one- and two-year courses from 1917 to 1930. In 1930 there were 134 degrees of B.S. in L.S. awarded, of these 109 have been placed TABLE NO. 3 AVERAGE SALARIES Two-year Course Men 1917 1920 1923 1927 1930 Women $1175 1594 2265 2340 2585 2180 ( 122 137 155 179! 191 5) One-year Course Men Women $1485 7 2183 2880 3230 8 3388 12 * $2285 ( 7 2371 < $ 2850 (14 3072 (22 3495 (26 2333 ( 3) $991 1435 179$ 1998 2003 1930 graduates 1831 ( 7) Ml