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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 9 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Grace Goodalc Keator, '03, is Principal of the Training Clasi and Head of the Reference Department of the Dayton Public Library. accepted Institute, Peoria, Illinois. Mr. and Mis. A. R. Curry, '21, announce the birth of a son, Landor, ( on March 24, 1 )27. Mr. Curry is Librarian at the Texas Christian University, Fort Worth. Edna E. Goss, '02, Head of the Catalog Department of the University of Minnesota, has been on leave of absence this year and has spent most of the time in California, where she has had a temporary position in the University of California Library. Who says librarians do not have adventures? Charles R. Flack, 76, and Miss Collins were out riding near Atchison, Kan., early in the evening, when their car was stopped and requisitioned by five armed bandits. Mr. Flack and Miss Collins were placed in the rear seat and forced to accompany the bandits over lonely roads for many hours, till Kansas City was reached.^There the passengers were dropped and ' e bandits had robbed a bank at Topeka. White Walters. '04 Township High School Mrs. Frank B. 0 rriette Miles) visited the Library spring, dne is now living at J^o Woodlawn Ave- Tooeka. Kansas. Among other visitors this year have been: Winifred Fehrenkamp, '12, Librarian of The Avery Library of Architecture, Columbia University; Fanny Coldren, '22, Reference Librarian of the Southern Branch of the University of California, Los Angeles; Mary Billingsley, '08, Librarian of the Federal Reserve Bank, Kansas City, Missouri; Stella Galpin Trowbridge, '14, Riverside Avenue, Yonkers, N. Y.; Dorothy Hurlburt, '01, Librarian of the Public Library, Hibbing, Minn.; Miriam S. Tyler (Mrs. E. P. Kennedy), 1776 Elberon Ave., East Cleveland, Ohio. Anita Hostetter, '20, now connected with the Curriculum work of the A. L. A., visited the School and lectured on the work of the Cornmittee. Beatrice Prall, '16, Librarian of the Hoyt Library, Saginaw, Mich., also gave a talk before the school on the Library triangle, the Book collection, the Staff, and the Public. Warren L. Perry, S.S. '26, has just accepted the position of Librarian of the College of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington. He finished his Library School work at the University of Washington, Seattle and received a degree from there in June. Clara Ricketts, ' I t , is organizing the library and abstracting periodical articles from the Medical journals at the Municipal tuberculosis Sanitarium, Chicago, Illinois. Mrs. Warren E. Knapp (Fanny Noyes), '10-11, writes that she is u itly interested in the report of the splendid progress of the Library and School. A big step forward to have the Library School become a part of the Graduate School of the University; to be accumulating an endowment fund for the Association through Life Memberships. >* School Master's Decree and has accepted brarian of the Kansas State Teachers College, Kmporia, Kansas. [8]
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