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i . \ f EXPENDITURES Loan to Senior student... Sending Illinois Alumni News to every alumni News Letter No 8 Atlantic City A. L. A. meeting Incidental expenses Bank Balance Cash on hand Outstanding loans to students Total Assets $ 30000 11,00 35A3 12.00 5 g0 $ 364.63 $2318 37 $2318.37 750.00 ' $3067.37 STATEMENT OF LIFE MEMBERSHIP FUND 110 members to date Amount paid to date Amount due on pledges Total pledged June 22—Cash Balance in Bank Deduct—Life Membership Fund Cash on hand in General Treasury 1 $1403.10 1346.00 $2750.00 $2318.37 $1403.10 • • $ 915.27 JOSIE B. HOUCHENS, Secretary-Treasurer I C' SCHOOL NEWS The first year of the School on the new plan has been most successwith a registration of fifty-seven Juniors and seventeen Seniors. The degree of B.S. in Library Science was granted to the thirty-four students who completed satisfactorily all the work of the first year. The degree of B.L.S. was granted to three students, and five received the degree of A.M. in Library Science in the Graduate School. The Summer School is now well under way with a registration of ninety-nine. This includes eleven in the Graduate School, sixty-four in the regular course and twenty-four in the course for high-school graduates. Next fall will see the final move into the new unit of the building. which is expected to be finished by September. This unit will also contain the staff work rooms and offices. SALARY STATISTICS FOR T H E UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY SCHOOL ALUMNI There is always so much discussion in regard to Library salaries that the following tables, which were compiled from questionnaires sent out in May, 1927, may be of general interest. Four hundred and thirtyfive answers were received out of a possible five hundred and eighty who are in active work. Similar statistics have been made before by the bchool and a comparison of them revealed the fact that the average increase for each three-year \ riod of the largest group receiving the same salary has been three hundred dollars and that the number receiving more than this amount has inc tsed for this period. The 1927 statistics show that the larger group still receives #1800 but the advance above this amount has been marked and it is the increase in the number of people enter[3]