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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 9 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION NEWS LETTER Number 9 TORONTO MEETING August, 1927 I ; iMWAl dinaei ami Entering ci the ( virenhy of Illinois Library >chool Association was held at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, June 22, 1927. Ola M. Wyeth, '06, President of the Association, presided. Eleanor M. Robertson, '13, acted as Secretary. The number in attendance was sixty-two. I A telegram of greeting from Mr. Windsor was read by the president at the end of the first course, and Miss Simpson passed around pictures of the New Library and of the Library School classes. The mainder of the, program was given between courses and at the close if the business meeting. Those present were asked to stand by classes and then again by tates.^ Illinois came first with 16 representatives, Michigan second with 12 members, and New York and Ohio tied for third place with pve in attendance from each state. Miss Simpson, '03, talked about the Library School and Library, discussing the changes in the curriculum of the school and describing the New Library building. Julia Wright Merrill, '03, gave an interesting talk on her experiences in library extension work for the A. L. A., especially in New Mexico. Kate D. Ferguson, '16, spoke of her work in the Bank of Italy, San Francisco, and Clara E. Howard, '01, completed the program with a talk on pioneer high-school library work in Pittsburgh. The minutes of the last annual meeting and the report of the secretary-treasurer were read and accepted. Action was again taken in changing the name of the Association to the University of Illinois Library School Association, as the secretary called attention to the fact that the change made last year was unconstitutional. The Association adopted the recommendation of the secretary-treasurer concerning the transfer of the sum of £596.90 from the general fund to the Endowment Fund. The report of the Endowment Funds Committee was read by the acting Secretary, as no member of the Committee was present. The committee was composed of Margaret S. Williams, Chairman, Laura Gibbs Miles O. Price, Adam Strohm, and Willia K. Carver. Each section was taken up separately for discussion and revision. Discussion centered chiefly on the questions, (1) as to whether or not the award should be limited to Illinois graduates, there was no decision reached but a preference for Illinois Library School graduates was expressed, (2) the amount of the scholarship, (3) the frequency of award. A motion was made and passed that the amount and frequency of award be left to the trustees of the Endowment Funds*
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