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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 7 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
[ | Hostetter, Marie, Technical High School, Omaha, Neb. Houchens, Josic B., University of Illinois Library, Urbana Howard, Clara Eliza, Schenley High School, Pittsburgh, Pa. 4 Howe, Harriet E., Board of Educat E. Randolph St., Chicago Hutchins, Margaret, University of Illinois Library, Urbana P,-Ingles, Ada M., Technical High School, Omaha, Neb. ^ K r a u s e , Louise B., H. M. Byllesby Company Library, 231 S. St., Chicago ^ Leatherman, Marian, Penn. State College Library, State Colleg ^Merrill, Julia Wright, American Library Association, 86 E. R St., Chicago ^Morrison, Mary, Shaw High School Library, E. Cleveland, Ohi j^Oaks, Catharine S. (Mrs. G. F. Cook), New York Agricultural ment Station, Geneva Patton, Adah, University of Illinois Library, Urbana -Price, Anna May, Library Extension Division, State Library, field, 111. , Sanford, Delia C , University of Wisconsin Library, Madison School School W., University of Washington Library, Seattle * - Towne, Jackson E., Supervisor of Departmental Libraries, > University, Iowa City •""Williams, Margaret Stuart, New York State Library School ^ W y e t h , Ola M., Public Library, Savannah, Georg v Donors—P. L. Windsor, Universitv of Illinois T.iV ARE YOU GOING TO T H E A. L. A.? If you are going, please take to heart the final appeal of our President in her letter. There has never been a dinner at which the sineine has been satisfactory; everyone wants to sing but they have either forgotten the words or are afraid to hear their own voices. Other schools around us are singing merrily but Illinois sits silent and sad for *he sne wants to sing and is afraid to try. John S. Cleavinger, '08, has been asked to lead at the next < e r T He writes: "I suppose if the responsibility for music at our V11 01 .1S * anybody's, it comes close to being mine; but I confess that I feel' " e"n S e of utter failure in trying to get our group to sing; Til do w h a t V n> nevertheless." Now isn't it a shame to make "Sim" feel so pes * °* tic? Why not surprise him with a burst of song? The Victor n ^ f " have a wonderful new record of "Illinois Loyalty" and "Varsity" ^ for $.75 you can practice them all you want to. Then whv not l * "My Illinois" written by our own "Alphabet" Drury? It has the ? vantage of not being a football song and has beautiful and appropr l a t " e words. Learn the words before you go to A. L. A, [4]
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