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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 3 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
• Committee! Appointed The prudent has . a d c the following J - P ^ « ^ J . ^ " ? ; ii* ship: J. Dimmitt. v.uu.«iittee on Life Membership in the Association: Marian Leatherman, Chairman, Mary' Torrance, Elizabeth Davis, Wlllia K. Garyer. Nominating Committee: Adah Patton, Chairman, Ola Wyeth, Bertha Schneider. District Chairmen, whose business it is to keep in touch with the alumni in their region of the country, send news to the Secretary and arrange for local reunions in connection with State Library meetings, were appointed as follows: Alma Penrose, Minneapolis, Minn., North Central district, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin; Elizabeth Forrest, Bozeman, Mont., Northwest district, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, Wyoming; Minnie E. Sears, H. W. Wilson Company, White Plains, N. Y., Northeast district, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island; Miles 0 . Price. Washington, D. C , Southeast district, Kentucky, North Carolina, Maryland, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, D. C , West Yi: ginia; Beatrice Prall, Little Rock, Ark., South Central district, Arkansas, Kansas. Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas; Jeannette Drake, Pasadena, California. Southwest district, California, Colorado, New Mexico. Cleavenger - LcNoir Illinois Library School Association Minutes April 26, 1923 The annual dinner and business meeting of the I. L. S, A. was held at the Great Northern Hotel, Hot Springs, Arkansas, on April 26, 1923, with fifty-seven present. In the absence of the President and Vice-Presidents, Mr. Arthur Curry presided. During the dinner short talks were given as follows: A welcome to the South—Miss Beatrice Prall. The academic status of librarians—Miss LeNoir Dimmitt. The eight weeks' summer session—Miss Jim P. Matthews. Life membership from the standpoint of the class of 1922—Miss Alice Coldren. News and greetings from the Illinois Library School—Miss Ethel Bond. Miss Bond read telegrams of greetings from Mr. Windsor and Miss Simpson, and the Senior and Junior classes. Another telegram from Mr. Windsor announced that the Illinois legislature had passed the University appropriation bill in full, which provides for the first unit of a newlibrary building. The business meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Curry. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The report of the Secretary-Treasurer was read and approved. A letter of greeting from Miss Grace Derby, President of the Association was rr»»A l\ v taa the Secretary. ' v It was moved and seconded that telegrams of congratulation be sent to Mr W'nd and President Kinley, and one of appreciation to the Governor of Illinois over the ' 88 of the University of Illinois appropriation. Motion carried. Mr. Sohn and Mr Rad*** *** er werc appointed to send the telegrams. A plan for the creation of life membership in the Association was presented A A' cussed. It was moved and seconded that $25.00 be made dues for life rnembersh* Af ter some discussion and the suggestion that a sustaining membership be substituted th^ . motlon was withdrawn. Motion was carried that increase in funds be referred to a corni * ° anc if thought best, an amendment to the Constitution be drawn for presentation at ' IL * l thc meeting. * next Mr. George B. Utley, Librarian of the Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois, wa e to Honorary membership in the Illinois Library School Association. ' fcctcd Miss LeNoir Dimmitt presented the following resolutions: 1. Resolved that the Illinois Library Schoot Association go on record as favor' tnc classification of librarians in colleges and universities to correspond in salary a n ^ * ran to that of the teaching staff, and that a copy of this resolution be presented to the 1N JV ^ *tioru!
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