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School and Alumni News

The Mumni were unusually woll iv|.r«• c-m.-.l at the Mid-Winter Meeting! in Chicago; U ' .. ,h„„t sixty-five present but there was no tune or a ,.eaal reunion.

Librarian of the Seattle Public Library ana rre.sue u o c ^ u M X.U Grand Rapids I ubl.c Library Public Library. and Mr. Samuel H. Ranck, Librarian of the Grand Rapids \il especially interesting meeting of the Library Club wa held just before Christmas at bef which Mrs. Emma Rhoads Nickoley talked on Conditions in the Near E*4st, and told also about her experiences as Librarian of the American University of BeirV ' taking some courses in the Library School while her husband is spending the University. " The Elizabeth Bryan '10 will sail February 2nd for a Mediterranean < occupy four months, part of which will be spent in touring the continent. Another voyageur is Sabra Nason, ex '07, who is making a trip around the world. She sailed from Seattle on October 5th and will be gone a year. She was to meet Cornelia Marvin *95 in Italy. Ola M. Wyeth '06 has been appointed Librarian of Rockford College for the remainder of the year. , Laura R. Gibus '02, Information Chief, of the Tel-U-\Vhere Service in Boston, has been appointed editor of Special Libraries, and Secretary-Treasurer of Special Libraries Association. Amelia Krieg 70 has accepted a position in the Library of the Western Engineers Society in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Bennitt (Clara Brooks, '12) announce the birth of a daughter on January 19th, at Saunemin, Illinois. Bess Lowry '19 has accepted the position of Reference Librarian at the Iowa State College Library. Marian Leatherman '16 is Librarian of Drake University, Des Moines. Margaret Gramesley '04 was appointed instructor in the Library School to succeed John S. Cleavinger '10, who has gone to Saginaw, Michigan as Librarian. Among the unfortunates in the Berkeley fire were Margaret Kingsbury Foote '10, who lost her home and all her possessions, and Stella Bennet '03, who suffered a similar loss but the other Illini at the University of California were lucky in living outside the burned area. Marie M. Hostetter '22 has accepted a position in the Omaha Technical High School Library. News has been received of the marriage of Mildred Noe Johnson, ex. '17, to Mr. Barnabas Bryan, Jr; they will make their home in New York City. A belated notice was also received of the marriage of Dey Smith, ex. '16, to Dr. O. S. Pavy: they are living in McFadden, Wyoming. Miles O. Price '21 writes that he is much interested in the work of the Patent Office Library m Washington, where he is Librarian, but he divides this interest with a six months old son and a new house. The Wilson Bulletin announces that Miss Minnie E. Sears,'00 formerly First Catalog assistant, Reference Catalog Division of the New York Public Library, has been appointed to succeed Miss Corinne Bacon as Editor of the Standard Catalog Series. John Lester Feek, ex. '22, died on January 13th in Bloomington, Illinois after a lone illness. He completed the Junior year of the Library school in 1921, after his return from oversea - tere he was a member of the American Expeditionary Forces. After leaving the School l n ?*}. °'the University of Chicago; while there he developed tuberculosis, which *jnr r

Recent Alumni Publications

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Anna V. Jennings '03 has compiled, with Sarah M. Findley, a classified list of "Books for Elementary Schools," which has been published by the Nebraska State Teachers VOI CoIUol Kearney, Nebraska. »ege, Margaret Hutchins '08 contributed a short skit entitled "The Reference Librarian * t» the Illinois Alumni News for June, 1923. '-nan, to Miles O. Price '21 was chairman of the Committee of Government Librari m Washington, which recently published a most interesting 'Brief and Specifications for T u* r ry Service in the Federal Government." This was printed by the District of Columbia i •r* * Association through subscriptions received from a number of large libraries. Library Elsie L. Baechtold '16 is the author of "The Business Librarian's Opportunity'* appeared in the News Bulletin of the Bureau of Vocational Information for October 1 c %i ^ i c h Arthur R. Curry '21 had several of his poems included in a recently nuhlUk^j V o , entitled "Illini Verse/' which was edited by Bruce Wcirick, Associate in the F WUSn L ume ment of the University. * depart-

'1 nomas P. Aycr ex. '16 has compiled a very complete Bibliography of the lit^ratnrr