Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 42 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Ci i;XTKN8!0N CIRCULAR NO. 13 Boil milk and sift meal in slowly; add butter, sugar, and salt Set aside to cool, then add beaten eggs. Put in a baking pan and eook for three-quarters of an hour. OAT MEAL B R E A D Oat meal or rolled oats, passed thru a food chopper, may be corn *• -i Cooking before adding to dough mixture .as with corn meal is, however, not necessary. OAT MKAL A M ) COKX MKAL BRKAD .'!% cups flour l .j cups rolled oats ] 2 cups boiling water .1 i cups corn meal 12 eup brown sugar 2 teaspoons salt 1 yeast cake r Dissolve the yeast cake in the lukewarm water. Pour the boil big water over the rolled oats, salt, and sugar, and let stand until lukewarm; add the dissolved yeast, corn meal, and flour. Let rise until light. Beat well, let rise again, and put into pans. Bake when light. This combination of oat meal, corn meal, and wheat makes v palatable and economical variation. RYE BREAD Another cereal which may well be substituted for wheat in breads is rye. When this is used about one-half wheat and onehalf rye make a good combination, as all rye is likely to be too strong for American tastes. " O L D GLORY B R E A D " 1 8 1 3 cup rye cups white teaspoonful tablespoons (may be flour salt shortening omitted) 1 3 cups whole wheat flour 4 cups water 1 yeast cake or more according to the length of time allowed for rising Add salt and shortening to boiling water. Cool to lukewarm. Add yeast cake, dissolved in a little of the cool water. Add flours sifted together and knead .until smooth and soft. Let rise in warm room until double its size. Knead and divide into loaves. Let rise as before and bake one hour. This recipe makes four medium sized loaves. t i France at present University of Vermont, Agricultural Extension Service, •