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Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 42 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
WAR BREAD RECIPM .s V?17] CORN MBAL AND KICK WAITLES % rup Hour % cup corn meal 1 tnlilrspuoii melted butter .% teaspoon sola 1 rggs. v\ «•!! beaten 2 1 cup boiled rice I tup sour milk 1 teaspoon salt Sift together llie Hour, soda, and s a l t ; add the other ingredicuts and boat thoroly; have irons hot and well greased. CKM CRACKKRH Sift one and one-half pints of Hour, one-half pint corn meal, one teaspoon baking powder, and the same amount of salt. Hub in two tablespoons butter, two-thirds of a pint of milk ; work into a smooth, fine dough. Place on bread board, kneading a few times and roll to quarter-inch thickness; cut with a small oval or round cutter, lay on greased baking tin, puncture the top of each cracker with a fork, brush over with milk, and bake in hot oven. CORN MEAT. PUFFS Into one quart of boiling milk stir eight tablespoonfuls of meal, four tablespoonfuls powdered sugar, and one teaspoonful nutmeg. Boil five minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from fire and when cool stir in six well beaten eggs. Mix well and pour the mixture into buttered cups, nearly filling them. Bake in moderate oven onehalf hour. Serve with lemon sauce. CORN MEAL BISCUITS 1 cup yellow corn meal 2 cups peanut cream 2 teaspoons salt Put the meal into a shallow pan and heat in the oven until it *8 a delicate brown, stirring frequently. Make the n u t cream by mixing peanut butter with cold water and heating. I t should be the consistency of thick cream. While the nut cream is hot, stir l] \ the corn meal, which should also be hot. Beat thoroly. The mixture should be of such consistency that it can be dropped from a spoon. Bake in small cakes on a greased pan. If preferred, these biscuits may be made with cream or with Gutter in place of peanut cream, and chopped raisins may be added, °»e cup being the allowance for the quantities given above. DELICATE INDIAN 1TOD1NG 4 tablespoons sugar 1 pint sweet milk 2 largo tablespoonfuls corn 2 tablespoons butter meal 3 eggs Salt *
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