Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 42 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
4 citron; i EXTENSION CIRCULAR N O . 13 • [August fourths inoh pio(.08 Again let riae. When taken from oven, brush over with white of egg slightly diluted with water; return to oven to perfect the glaze. BUM:AP. USING ONE-THIRD STALE BREAD CRUMBS Use proportions as for Wheat Bread recipe given above, working into the batter one cup of stale bread crumbs. The absorbent quality of the crumbs permits the use of less flour than in other dough mixtures. BREAD, USING ONE-THIRD CORN MEAL 1 cup boiling water % cup lukewarm scalded milk 2 tablespoons lard 1 2 % cups corn meal 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 cake dry yeast prepared according to directions Add the boiling water to the corn meal, cook in a double boiler for a few minutes, and proceed in the manner given in directions for bread. Three cups of liquid of the recipe requires about seven cups of dour, varying slightly according to the quality of the flour and meal. OLD VIRGINIA BATTER BREAD 1 pint corn meal 1 teaspoon salt 1 egg M. 1 quart scalded milk 1 teaspoon sugar (may bo omitted) - - TSt to a mush. Allow to cool a little and add salt, sugar, and the milk, beaten yolk of egg, and lastly fold in the white of egg, beaten stiff. Melt two tablespoons of shortening in a baking pan, pour in mixture, and bake for forty-five minutes. J SOUTHERN SPOON BREAD % cupful sifted corn moal 1 % cupful sweet milk 1 % teaspoon salt 1 1 teaspoon baking tablespoon butter cupful boiling water egg powder Pour the boiling water over the meal, and stir until smooth. Let cook briskly for five minutes; add butter and salt, stirring as it cooks. Take from fire. Add milk and the egg well beaten and then the baking powder. Pour it into a well buttered shallow baking dish and bake for twenty minutes in a moderate' oven, letting it brown carefully before removing. Serve from the dish in which it was baked.