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Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 38 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
r u t . i i \i: \'<>. 21 I \ March, igjS northern Illinois a large acreage of spring wheat should be planted In central Illinois it is suggested that from live to ten acres be planted on each farm ; tliis acreage to be taken from the hind which is normally planted to oats. Varieties Best to Use.—For some time the University of Illinois has conducted variety tests of spring wheat in DeKalb county, in northern Illinois, and in Champaign county, in central Illinois, and in both regions the Marquii wheat has given results which indicate that it is one of the best, if not Ihe best, variety. As an average of results for the last three years, the Marquis produced ^2.2 bushels per acre at DeKalb and 24.2 bushels at Urbana. Durum, Red Fife, s—m bushels per acre as a throe-year average. Soil and Soil Preparation.—Spring wheat should be seeded on rich land. It is highly desirable that land for spring wheat he treated with manure and phosphate; but clover plowed under may take the place of manure. Good corn ground is likely to produce good spring wheat. Fall-plowed land is desirable always, but in many instances growers have disked stalk land thoroly and seeded to spring wheat and have obtained good yields. Plowing, however. is more desirable if this can be done without delaying seeding too long. Time and Rate of Seeding.—Spring wheat should be seeded in central Illinois during the month of March; or just as soon as the land can be well worked and the crop planted. As a rule, one and one-half bushels per acre will be found most satisfactory. It is best to seed spring wheat before seeding barley or oats. rule harvested Market At the present time there is no difference in the price of winter and spring wheat, based upon government schedule. Note—The Experiment Station does not have seed of spring wheat for sale.
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