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Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 36 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

ArpLE F L A K E S hree mimites 7 tor tho flakes to sof.. .1 In milk or cream, or it may boused M « sauce, stewed, or In other forms of cooking, Stewing requires practically the same amouni of time as tlie itewing of freah in apples. Pul up wnall packages containing from 8 to 30 grama, thisproducl may be distributed to the men at the front and eaten direct from the box. With the use of 20»pereen1 sugar solutions the intercellular spaces are filled with sugar; the first taste is of the sugar, fallowed by the original apple taste or flavor. A 20-percent solution !»-ives a slightly candy-coated product. FIG. 2.—QUANTITATIVE COMPARISON OF FRESH, FLAKED, AND POWDERED FORMS Of FOOT JOXATH.W APPLES, EACH FORM AS ILLUSTRATED CONTAINING THE SAME TOTAL DRY W I I O H T OF A P P L E Tho the flake form seems at present the most logical for army use, as ii retains some hulk, three other more highly concentrated tonus have been prepared. One is in the form of powder, the flake* being ground into powdered form similar to powdered sujrar. Tins. Put up in vials, may he used as a seasoning for puddings, pies, cakes, etc. It is, however, very concentrated. The second form is obtained by pressing the powdered flakes into small capsules snmlai to the commercial junket capsules. The pectic bodies In the apple cells, which at least in part cause the gelatinising of concentrated aqueous extract of the apple, retain enough of theii former n . . . f . t a f f state to cause the particles of the powder when ^ ^ l ^ here, and the sugar further aid. as an adhenn* agent. I h P oduct of one 125-size apple, when powdered, ma., be .pre sc, ' form of a small tablet, the si.,, depending upo " ;•' Pressure used The third form is thai oi a small cake, conpiessu IKSSUIC used. in< ntnhilitv Th s form can be made only enough to give ri ^ ^ ^ Dipped in a sirup ... give 1 about the size oMh-s.na,11 ,1 ' ,„,.,.,„, J,, ,,,, , WPappc <l in *A^i^~£™<" ••• • • < • — - • •• •
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