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Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 34 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
- i XTEWSION Oncuua No. 1 u —~ « Ears -Untie i|H. itrinei , slip olT the rul>l).T l.an.ls. an<! unroll ili«- .loll can-tully so that kernels atv displaced. Noti' llitr germination of the kernel* i„ "!' rectangle and count those good that show strong, vigorous,.oota and 1 shoots from all six kernels i see Fig. (!( ). Kara with one or two OIK kernels producing weak roots and shoots should be diaoi kernels producing weak roots and shoots should be discarded or laid out and retested (see Fig. 6B). If the same results are obtained in the second test, the car should be discarded. All ears in the test that show more than two kernels with weak roots and shoots should be thrown out at once (see Fig. 6A). If only one kernel of F I G . 6.—GERMINATION T E S T S the six from any one of the ears fails to grow and the others are good, the ear should be retested;* but if no better results are obtained w 11 the second test, the ear should be thrown into the feed crib. A the with test should be thrown out, immediately. Treatment of a Usc-ri Doll before Putting in other Tests Often used molds develop during the germination of the corn, and a tester QS over and over again be me badly infected with a fung° growth To prevent thj ouble > I is advisable, before putting » » est, to steri! ^ng i t f o r a f e w minutes used l; t -si may as a new ••' • i . :
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