Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 34 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1918] I M RAO-DOLL TESTER FOR GO*N R 7 and Germinating Beginning at the 0IU1 having the highest numbers, roll the cloth, with the trains firmly but ool around a stick or a small piece of wire screen i ^ bent m &e form of a cylinder for a core (Fig. 5). P i a c e ^ each end. and he center if desired, a string or a rubber band (see front cover). Place the roll m a bucket of water with a w ™ of about 80; F ., and let it remain for t £ ^ M ^ I Z r At the end oi this period, pour off the water and store the tester' top side up m a warm room. A box, a bucket, or a moist sack may FIG. 5.—THE TESTER SHOULD B E ROLLED FIRMLY BUT NOT TIGHTLY AROUND J bTiCK OR SMALL CARDBOARD MAILING TUBE AS A CORE be placed over the roll so that it will not dry out, but some alio* ance should be made for ventilation. A number of "dolls" l y used at the same time, making it possible to test a large quan ot corn quickly. About two yards of 36-inch muslin is require* I each 114 bushels of corn tested. At the end of five to eight days the count may be mtil germination test recorded. NOTE.—For fuller information concerning Corn < I 'erred to Extension Circular 7 of the tion concerning the organization and ^ will be found in Extension ' n Personal help thru correspond©) the State Leader in Junior I it t • I v A 3»