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Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 33 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

TMK SEKD-COHN SITUATION FOB 1011 |W«) 5 M§king the Tester Cut edge in ord( to prevent avel „,. i nffind 10 inches wid< _ . Then leaving at each end an unmarked area 8 to 10 inches de-1 . dvide the strip of cloth down the center with a heavy line which can ot be easily erased id which will not blur upon wet img. liars this area off into rectangles 3 inches wide and 5 inches long by crossing the center line perpendicularly with lines 3 inches apart I he tester is no v. ready for tilling, Arrangmf the Ears.—Place 1 he ears in a convenient lotation I not be distu i be« 1. The ears sho Those may be placed in oonrespond with them is belter. (See Kig. 1) aecutive orde: Kirst clip the tester in water, f then wring genth comfortable work. The cloth when slightly moist will be more easily handled, and the grains will not slip about on the teeter before it is rolled up. Honoring and Placing the Kernels.—Six kernels from each ear should be used in each division of this tester. The grains should be placed germ-sid< up, and all the tips should point in the same direction in order to make possible the rapid reading of results at the end of the test. Remove one grain about two inches from the butt. Turn the ear one-fourth around and remove a kernel from the middle of the ear. Turn the ear again one-fourth around in the same direction as before and remove a grain two inches from the tip. Holding the ear in the same position, remove a kernel about two inches from the butt. Turn tho ear and repeat the above operation, taking a kernel from the middle and one two indies from the tip. Thus, when the ear has been turned around onee, six kernels will have been removed: two from the butt, too from the middle, and two from the t i p ; and each of the two pains from the butt,' the middle, and the tip will have come from °PI>osite sides of the ear. *Y " • * • * * ' K OB SMALL CABBM. fl T r FlO. 2 . — T M TWTI* S DM i mm O Twin T A
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