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Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 28 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
WINTtrX W H t A T LBlMARlAPR flrtlflbor repined *opcodog*ont cert of wirrfcr wh«»f T<ytol SoilpnfomKon and %*€*ln^ \obor ^u'ii*a «•<• following ucar* cr*p. 1-4.—Number and distribution of man hours, by months, used in producing four common corn-belt crops. The clover crops shown include second crops harvested for seed. This somewhat increases the man labor used on these crops. If no second crop wero harvostcd, or if a part of the crop were pastured, the man labor used would bo considerably reducod. FIGS. Fio. 5.—Poor distribution of man labor resulting from the common cornbelt rotation consisting of two years of corn followed by one yoar of oats. Fio. 6, years of corn, one year of oats, one year of clover, and one year of wheat. The^'pee* load/' or highest labor requirement cons ra' less in for the oUtion fo show) 5, and the distribute ruout i > seas nsidcrably b- "•
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