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Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 23 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
• exchanged or purchased, thus permitting the scattered Armenians to be brought together within Armenia and the Kurds, in part at least, to be moved to communities of their own. While the difficulties involved in any of these proposed adjustments are great, yet it is believed that wise statesmanship based upon a full knowledge of the country, its people, and its laws will be able ultimately to overcome them. The crying needs of the natives, the depth of degradation and despair to which they have been subjected, and the contrast offered by the natural opportunities which surround them should inspire unselfish effort and confidence in ultimate success. Looking beyond the immediate toil and trouble involved there can be seen the vision of great achievement. Already the British in Babylonia have shown what can be accomplished in two years of just and intelligent control. Their success may be considered as a forerunner of that which may be achieved throughout the length and breadth of this land in securing permanent homes, prosperity, and happiness to its recently oppressed inhabitants.
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