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Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 16 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I ho Second Ki-d Crott War Fund Collection.—The k c u : M.iv J! m d ; - . . t , , ' U ,,.,„,,;,.,..,, ,,, t |„ 24th Th?« * » * signal the University uas Ufa); ulu-rcas the total amount J f f i f i 1 ass l>\ uailtv and students, including the School of Military Aemn. • COMMITTEE ON UNIVERSITY PROGRAM I he Committee OB I niversity Program arranged the room schedule f >r all classes, including those of the School of Military Aeronautics, for the second semester, and introduced several new courses, among them Military Science (Military 10), "Hood ami the War" (Military 30), Red Crow course (Militan 2<>', and the History of the War (Hist.41). Several war C W ^s were introduced into the summer session. O These were:—in economics. War Finance from the Revolution to the Present, The Study of Internationa! Trade, and Industrial Resourcesof the Nations at War; in history, a seminar course on war problems; in s ciology, a course on emergency relief; in psychology, a survey o f psychological investigations made with reference to military conditionsin electrical engineering, a course in radio communication. 1 r COMMITTEE ON THE UNIVERSITY SERVICE FLAG The University Service Flag, the University's recognition of its men in service, was dedicated February 18, in front of the Lniversuy Library. The'flag is twenty by thirty feet. In the center is the: nurn^ wn e ber representing the Illinois men in service. The figures are * • e t0 blue ground; they snap on and can thus be changed from time^ ^^ e as the number of men represented increases. At the time of t t ication the number on the flag was 2,680. The number now, Aug 1, is 3,894. COMMITTEE ON WAR SERVICE RECORDS The following statement summarizes the participation of th yersity students, graduates, and faculty, in the military andnavai ice to June 5: Army Navy ; Marines U. of I. Men reported Abroad U. of I. Men in Allied Armies Volunteers Drafted Commissioned Officers: Generals Lieutenant Colonels Colonels Majors , Captains 1st Lieutenants 2nd Lieutenants Chaplains Naval Officers '; " . ,, ^ Total ;; ;..; Non-com. Officers and Enlisted Men 3,599 350 43 632 25 3,568 424 90.1% 8.8% 1.1% 15.8/0 89.3% 10.7% 2 4 4 43 191 440 534 . 4 ."..'..!..'.... 36 „ ;.. 1,258 31.5 2,734 68.5 6
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