Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 16 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
COMMITTEE ON FUNDS COLLECTION Beginning January 1? this c o m m i t t r i vc authority to all inclivilu ils or organizations desiring to canvass in the University for funds to be used for purposes connected with the war. Woman's War Relief Committee.—Of student organizations applying tor such authority, the most active and successful was the W< nan's War Relief Committee. Some items of its work follow: Donations made during the year: To Y. M. C. A. War Fund Armenian Relief. Second Red Cross War Fund Woman's League Auxiliary to Red Cross Illini Chocolate and Tobacco Fund Smileage Books Fatherless Children of France Red Cross Nurse at Vassar School Principal sources of revenue: Voluntary tax of women Students at 3 cents per week Woman's Mixer Card Party Bakery Sale Peanut Sale at Football Game Moving Pictures Christmas Box Fund Popcorn Balls at Carnival Food Sales at Dances Mardi Gras $600.00 MUX) 600.00 397.00 86.73 10.CX) 182.50 95.00 $2,031.23 $432.03 88.00 138.65 158.95 394.10 18.77 47.80 31.23 141.00 988.55 Other Organizations.—April 24, a Food Show was given in the Household Science building by members of Omicron Nu. The sum of $134.22 netted, was donated to the Woman's League Auxiliary to the Red Cross. The sum of $118.43 which was cleared by the committee in control of the Military Ball, on February 22, was applied to the Second JRed Cross War Fund. The Illinois Chocolate and Tobacco Fund.—Illinois Chocolate and Tobacco Fund of the University of Illinois, for soldiers, was originated by the Illini and transferred to the War Committee. By March when the Government forbade further transmission of packages, the results of the work were as follows: Receipts Expenditures (Cigarettes, Tobacco, etc.) On June 6 the balance of $263.57 was disposed of as follows: To Second Red Cross War Fund $182.35 Woman's War Relief Committee 78.27 Expenses of Red Cross Campaign 2.00 $262.62 On hand $321.94 58.37 $263.57 $262.62 $ .95 The Sale of Smileage Books.—Since the sale of these books came at examination time, only a limited canvass was made among the faculty; but books were placed on sale in the various University librari i. The sum of $238.00 was realized. 5