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Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 16 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Other publications of the station issued during the year arc proving \ Intul in connection with war production and conservation problems. ? w <nrh is Bulletin 108—Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Strucs by the Slope Deflection Nfethod. The results developed arc bi tu re inn used by the Emergency Fleet Corporation in the design (it" concrete Tests to determine the behavior of various grades of steel under very rapid loadings were made for the Bureau of Construction an. Repair of the U- S. Navy, A new type of testing machine was del ised and built for these tests. The station has been helpful in the solution of materials testing problems which have arisen at Chanute Field and in the- design of testing apparatus for use there. Research Problems:—Details cannot be given concerning the research war problems conducted by the University. It is pro} r, however, to give a summarized statement: On agriculture and food, nine problems have been under investigation; in chemistry, nine inquiries have been undertaken; in the various departments of engineering, sixteen investigations have been conducted in problems relating to the war, all but three or four at the direct request of some of the government departments; in physics, four important inquiries have been conducted; in psychology, two war problems have been investigated. In addition to the above, other inquiries have been undertaken independently, having relation to food in the war, the preparation of rood, wheat substitutes in cooking, coal conservation, proper management of domestic heating apparatus, and many others. The department of Zoology has participated in the campaign to extend the use offish as food, and has also been in consultation with the government departments on many other topics. v arious members of the faculty have been granted leaves of absence tor various periods to assist in the'work of the Committee on Public Information, the Historical Research Board, and other work related to the war. School of Military Aeronautics.—A United States Army School of military Aeronautics is conducted at the University. lh niver th ^,y s i t y authorities initiated the proceedings which led to tfte establishment of a flying field at Rantoul. Illinois Food Production Program.—The absence of an intelligentlv pianned program of food production influenced the authorities of the college of Agriculture to work out a plan for Illinois. This plan was submitted to the Corn Growers' and Stock Men's Convention, held in February, and also to the State Council of Defense War Conference, ana was recommended by both. This plan urged on farmers of Illinois: 1, An increased production of wheat; 2, an increase in pork production; 3, a diminution of high finished cattle and an increase of short «*! cattle; 4, the saving of lambs; 5, caution in the reduction of dairy nerds; 6, as large a corn crop as possible; 7, suggestions for the promotion or poultry products; 8, suggestions for relieving the labor shortaae; 9, advice concerning necessary farm machinery, its increase and use". ^ "
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