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Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 16 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
( O M M I H ! I ON THE LITERATURE OF TUB WAR In |unc f the library sent 535 bookl to the Chanute Flying fidi Y. M. C. \ At present the committee is preparing 500 volumes for shipment on transports carrying United States troops to France. Mr. (ieorge A. Deveneau. of the Agricultural Library, has as "I.ibran Puhlu it> Director" ot the l \ S. I«ood Administration for this state been active in getting public libraries all over the state to supply themselves with, an3 to auvertise and display, books and pampfifets on foe .1 questions. THE WOMAN'S LEAGUE AUXILIARY TO THE RED CROSS The Woman's League Auxiliary began its work in October 1917, with no official title, the work being done for the Champaign chapter of the Red Cross. A work room v s opened for three hours each day. The first semester two hundred signed up to put in a definite number- r hours each week. Most ot" the work done was on refugee garments. There was one surgical dressings class. The following articles were made: 3,000 gauze and muslin dressings, 500 refugee garments, 4 dozen knitted articles, 100 scrap books tor convalescent soldiers. In the second semester 350 girls enrolled tor regular work and an average of 25 unenrolled girls came to work ich week. Classes in surgical dressings were held every week day and classes in sewing were held four times a week. The following work was done: 12,000 dressings, 12 dozen dressings for Dr. Beard, 28 complete infant layettes, refugee garments. OTHER UNIVERSITY WAR ACTIVITIES (Not under Direction of War Committee) The Y. M. C. A. Campaign.—November 11-19, 1917, a campaign was conducted for funds for the Y. M. C. A. War Work. The total amount subscribed was $28,906.88. The Second Liberty Loan Campaign.—This occurred before the organization of the War Committee. The best available information shows that about $50,000 was subscribed by University people living in Urbana. No separate account was kept of the subscriptions ot University people living in Champaign. Activities of the Engineering Experiment Station:—To assist consumers in their efforts to conserve fuel and operators to produce greater quantities the Engineering Experiment Station issued a series of publications: Bulletin d Bulletin 100—Percentage to'Ulinois Conditions. ] Coal. Coal with Special Reference r r c t,n cScuwfnirTn'IYrm I 1? C o * L < " a IU 8 8S& Xh e £5^£££Z£^**^ Circular Circu ar Circular Circular A 5—The Utilization of PyrVtc 6 - T h c Storage of B i t u m i n o u s C o a l * ° 7—Fuel Economy in the Operation of Hand VUm4 D 8 - T h e Economical Use of Coal in Raiiwa? Somot°ivea M^rul, 10
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