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Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 16 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Food-—Ration cards like the following WHO distribu! I b) the I nod Committee: YOUR RATION Can you make this your honor ration until the Food Administration asks you to change it? M eIt \yi pounds per week , s THIS UA'IIM\ \|.LOWS \i>V PER DAY \h-.u—4 ounces (at pun fused with .1 reason ^M amount of bone) five times a week. I', r \ 2-7 ouruvs or 4 level fahlr- ! pOUttii | H I ITCCk Sugsr.. What Kp° J per week ** little . i ;Me un( Will you trv it and so do as well as England and France? DONT BE A FOOD SLACKER Check Yourself spoons—total for fried foods, pastries salads, butt< Sugar—1 5-7 ounces or 4 level tablespoons—total f«.r beverages, cereal, d sserta, candy, ices, and fruit. In place of w h a t , have you eaten oatmeal, comment, rice, potatoes? Thi : substitutes, also milk, eggs, cheese, nuts, fish, fruit, and vegetables, are not ra- For help to do it see other side. tioncd. These cards were placed on the tables of* fraternities, sororities, unit houses and boarding clubs. On May 1,student leaders in i:«»urated a campaign against the use of confections. Several hundred women students agreed to eat no candy containing sug; r until the food crisis is past. Entertainments.—'The sub-committee on entertainments studied ™v r ul-nivs for social activities in fraternities, sororities and other house units. A report was made showing the saving of about twenty( five organizations for the school w a r 191/-1 >18 over the previous year. Hie aggregate was about $10,000, COMMITTEE ON LEGAL ADVICE TO DRAFTED MEN I he heaviest work of the committee came the latter part of December and the beginning of January. The greater part of the work < t the first few weeks was giving advice to members of the faculty, since > their cases were usually more complicated than those of the students. COMMITTEE ON THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY UNION In March the American University Union in Europe asked the University of Illinois to contribute $1,000 toward the support of the Paris Branch Union, the purpose of which is to "meet the needs of American university and college men and their friends who are in Europe for military or other service in the cause of the Allies". The Trustees requested the President to ask the alumni to contribute this sum. The Chairman of the War Committee undertook the work of interesting the alumni in raising the money. At his suggestion the Washington Alumni took charge. On Alumni Day at Commencement time the visiting alumni subscribed$1,056.50. In addition, Mr. S. T. Henry reported on June 20, subscrip tions by the Washington Alumni amounting to $300 and a pledge of $150 from the Alumni of New York, making a total of $450, which if added to the previous amount makes a grand totaliof $1,506.50. 9
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