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Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 11 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

INUNDATION CAKR t 2 villi** t/5 Y/l CU cup\irup c „ p sugar « H cu|»> Hour (ha,ley, rice, corn) 2 teanpoons baking puvvl., r , £ j CUP milk / f 6 ! < "P 00 " *« CMim tin- tat, and mix thoroly with th< corn sirup, Wgar, m d l t t l , Add dry j n . grrdicnts, mixed and sifted together. INmr mi«» an oiled pan, and hake m a moderate iiven for half an hour, Vanilla, almond, chocolate, or other flavoring. elmpped n i l s , or chopped d i > may , he added to this foundation. Sirup may replace all the sugar. T h e cake will be of poorer texture, hut a fair product Sir AMI n lVm.iNC % cup fat y* P (rice or c o m ) y2 cup corn sirup » l / . l teaspoon soda J c j,g J4 teaspoon salt /-' * • / • ' cup . . . . J/* C l i p graham Iflour cup V; I . I 11. I 111 H M I l 2/.1 * " ' l raisins, . - - r s . • ' • " figs, or dates ients Cream t h e fat, and mix thoroly with t h e corn sirup a n d egg. Add dry ingredier mixed and sifted together, and the dried fruit. T u r n into an oiled mold, COVCT, and ste.i two and one-half hours. GlNCERBKEAD I cup molasses 1J4 teaspoon ginger Y* cup boiling water Y* teaspoon salt 2)4 cup Hour (rice, barley, corn) 4 tablespoons fat 1 teaspoon soda 1 egg, well beaten Blend molasses with water. Add dry ingredients, mixed a n d sifted together. Add egg and melted fat. Heat well. Bake in a moderate oven. SriCF. COOKIKS CU ,,r>ur J4 cup fat Yz teaspoon baking powder Y* cup corn sirup J4 c u p raisins 1 egg i/i teaspoon cinnamon 1 YA cup, or more, flour (rice, barley, corn) % teaspoon clove, mace, nutmeg M ix iu oruer given, Enough flour snouia be used to n in should mix i n r h ordert l l given.c c luiougn / 1uourr / v i*x *%w\ne used to make a stiff dough. Roll to 1 1?1 i^L-no />««+ nn Knl /I n«*nl « » eighth inch in thickness, cut, a n d bake in moderate oven. SN«W»« MAPLE ICING Y* cup maple sirup 1 egg white Y* cup corn sirup beaten until stiff Cook the mixture of sirups until a long thread forms, when it is dropped from the spoon. Pour slowly over egg white, beat until smooth and stiff, and spread over cake. M A P L E CREAM 2 cups maple sugar n cup milk Cook sugar, milk, and salt together, until a soft or until thermometer registers i i 3 ° C . Cool slightly, nuts may be .added. ' ROLLED Pinch of salt 1 tablespoon butter ball forms when tried in cold water, and then beat until creamy. Chopped FauiT 1 pound dates % pound nut meats 2 / 3 cup raisins a tablespoons orange juice Wash fruit, stone t h e dates, a n d put fruit with nuts t h r u a meat chopper Blend thoroly with orange Juice. Let stand for twenty-four hours. Mold into shape. Shanes may be rolled in a little granulated sugar or grated cocoa nut which has beJn dried and slightly browned in the oven. STUFFED Plunks 1 Select sweet prunes. Soak over n i g h t D r y , open carefully* remove stones, and stuff with chopped raisins and nuts. Roll in granulated sugar. " 1
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