UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 6 [PAGE 4]

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the intention that it mav be of use to the enemy. In regard to all such matters the safe rule for the loyal citizen is to mind his own business and keep his mouth shut. (Penalty £10,000 fine, 2 yrs. imprisonment, or both.) 2 Violence an I JVitful Destruction of Property. The law is lying in wait for the man who burn; or blows up bridges, warehouses, and the like. Such acts may be treasonable as "giving aid and comfort to the enemy/* while they are in addition crimes against rlie laws of the separate states. The federal government has placed special penalties upon violent interference with commerce, shipping, and telegraph lines ($ 10 .000 >ine. 10-20 yrs. imprisonment, or both). 3. Disturbance of Foreign Relations. To make false statements for the pur pose of injuring the United States in its relations with a foreign nation is a crime. It is also a crime to conspire in the I h i t e d States to injure the public property of a government with which we are at peace. (Penalty: $5000 fine, 5 yrs. imprisonment, or both.) 4. Hostile Jets A'gainst Friendly Nations. Our neutrality laws forbid making this country the base of any hostile operations or expeditions against friendly nations. Persons were recently convicted in New York for plotting to blow up the Welland Canal and others for scheming to cause a rebellion in India. (Penalty $3000 fine, 3 yrs. imprisonment.) 5. Circulation of False Statements io Aid the Enemy\ A lie may be a deadly weapon against us. Those who make or repeat false statements for the purpose of interfering with our military or naval success while we are at war are liable to severe punishment ($10,000 £::*, 20 yrs. imprisonment, or both). 6. Inciting Disloyalty in the Army and Navy. The Germans have won victories in this war simply by insidiously undermining the morale of the Allied Armies, it is therefore made a crime to incite to disloyalty, insubordination, murny, or refusal of duty in our military or naval forces by any method whatsoever. Men who are registered for the draft are part of our military forces although not actually in service. (Penalty: $10,000 fine. 20 yrs. imprisonment, or both.) 7. Obstruction of Recruiting. The law says that there must be no wilful interference with the man who wishes to enlist in the armv or navv. There is a heavy penalty for violations of this act ($10,003 fine, 20 vrs. imprisonment, or both). 8. Criminal Conspiracies. It is a crime against the United States for two or more persons to plot or conspire to overthrow the government, oppose its authority, obstruct the enforcement of its laws, destroy its property, or violate any of its laws. Every person involved in such a conspiracy is guilty even though the plot failed or was never carried out. (Penalty: $5000 fine, 5 yrs. imprisonment, or both ) 9. Threats Against the President. There is a severe penalty for any one who threatens, in speech, writing, or any other way, to injure bodily or to kill the President of the United States ($1000 fine, 5 yrs. imprisonment, or both.) 10. dbuseof the Flag. The laws of Illinois and other states forbid any one to use the United States flag for advertising purposes or to desecrate, defy, or cast contempt upon it in any way. 11. Misuse of the Mails. Every person is forbidden to send through the mails communication which is treasonable in character or whirh ur*es or advocates