UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1947 (Oct) [PAGE 12]

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by the dean of the college and examined by the in sun, IOI •( his convi nt< • r. ./' n net from sUih a„ examination for any other cause counts as a failure. 9 "A grade of 'excused which it not removed durin the first semester that a student is registered follow* ing the giving 9 of such a grade automatically becomes a grade of E? 33. Special Examinations Special examinations may be had only upon the recommendation of the head or chairman of the de partment concerned or of some person duly authorized by him, and with the approval of the dean the student is enrolled. Special e 9 ported as "passed/ or "not passed but no student is given a grade of "pass unless U § has made at least Q in the examination. Graces earned in special examinations do not enter into any computation of averages. These examinations may be taken only for the removal of failures in courses

taken at the U n i v e r s i t y of I l l i n o i s . A special examination to r e m o v e a failure in a c o u r s e should he taken before t h e end of t h e n e x t semester in which t h e s t u d e n t is r e g i s t e r e d following such failure. F o r each special examination a fee of five dollars must be paid in a d v a n c e . ., Additional provisions with reference to special examinations are as follows: (1) No special examinations m a y be given during the period beginning ten days before and continuing for ten days after each final examination period. except that special examinations m a y be given on and after the first F r i d a y of the second semester. (2) A student who has completed the work of • semester is considered to be still u n d e r registration for the purposes of this rule for fifteen days atter the close of the final examination period except that a student who has completed the work of the second semester and is not registered in the summer session is considered to be still u n d e r registration for the purposes of this rule u p to the end of the registration period for the fall semester. (3) The Registrar is authorized to issue permits for special examinations to persons who a r e not registered in the U n i v e r s i t y at the time but who are candidates for degrees at the close of the college year in which the examination is to be given and who have no more than ten semester hours to complete for their degrees. (4) No student who has attended the University of Illinois will be permitted to take for credit a t ' the University the examinations conducted by the University in Chicago primarily for candidates for admission to the State Bar Examination. In no case will credit be allowed toward the degree for these college examinations given by the University in Chicago until the applicant for such credit has earned in residence at the University an amount of credit eciual to that earned through examinations.