UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1947 (Jan) [PAGE 4]

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hn credit. When a it thus repeated the Kradr given at the end of the repetition bee the official ade. (Thia rul doea not apply in the Colli* of ibcral Arte and Sciences.)

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4. Change in 8tudy-LUti (a) Permission to change study-lists after registration may be obtained only from the dean of the college or the director of the school in which the student is enrolled. For admission to a class after the registration days a student must secure also the consent of the departmental representative in charge of the course, and the latter may require the student to pass an examination in the work already gone over by the class or to present satisfactory evidence of his ability to proceed with the class. (b) Changes in study-lists should be completed and filed at the Business Office not later dun twelve o'clock noon of the -Monday following registration. After this date, a fee of $1.00 is charged for each change slip issued. The Registrar is authorized to waive the fee for change of study-list in cases where the change is require* 1 by University officer. (c) Students already enrolled in the University will not be permitted to enter new classes that continue through the semester after the close of the third week of the semester; and permission will not he given such students to enter new classes continuing only a portion of a semester later than the close of the second w u k of instruction in the subject. Exceptions to this rule will he made in eases in which the student is required to drop an advanced course and to add a previous course on account of having failed to remove a failure by special examination or tor similar reasons. (See also Rule 7a.) 7a. Withdrawals (a) From courses: A student who has become seriously deficient in any course, either through neglect or lack of ability, if he desires to withdraw Horn such course may be required by the dean of his college to accept the grade of E for the course. The withdrawal write upon the change slip:

will be ,.j .*u_ „ by the i... the by effected t h r o u g h t h e r e g u l a r c h a n g e slip, signic i n s t r u c t™ in c h a r g e of ...^ ww.r.v, mm approved o r ... the course a n d approve 0 .i...« of «u~ college concerned. ^1,1 * v « ; the «~n~ i The latter will dean

the g r a d e of E . " T h e R e g i s t r a r will then notif) the in true tor who will r e t u r n t h e g r a d e of R as the oili( ial g r a d e of the course. ( b ) F r o m t h e U n i v e r s i t y : A s t u d e n t w h o leaves tin U n i v e r s i t y d u r i n g any semester or s u m m e r session must officially w i t h d r a w . O t h e r w i s e the courses he is pursuing will a p p e a r upon his record as failures. Withdrawal procedure is as follows: , . , Obtain from the office of the* Dean or Director of the College or School concerned a clearance paper. v '~ ( 2 ) Obtain on the clearance paper the s i g n a t u r e s of the U niversity officers as indicated by the Dean or Director.

"Withdrawn, accepting

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