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Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1948 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I De • IK it the clearance paper at the Recorder'* (4) bffice. . The same procedure must be followed by a stud «J« t upon completion of the requirements for a degree. 8. Supplementary Certificates from High Schools F Supplementary certificates from high sch 1 pnnctpals covering work done and examination! taken in addition to work shown on certificates previously submitted may be accepted in all cases where they refer to work done and examinations passed prior to the student's admission to the University. Having once entered the University the student is required to obtain his credit in the examinations given by the University, and supplementary certificates relating to sec ondary school work done and examinations passed in the summer or at other times after his entrance to the University are not acceptable. 9. Students Who Have Withdrawn within the Last Three Weeks of the Semester or Whose Status Cannot Be Determined A student who withdraws from the University within the last three weeks of instruction in any semester, or a student whose status cannot be determined because of excused grades may register again only on petition approved by the dean of his college. 10. Candidacy for Graduation A candidate for graduation must have completed by the beginning of his final semester (or summer session) all studies reauired for the degree, except those to be taken in class during that semester (or summer session). It is provided, however: (1) That special examinations to remove failures incurred during the preceding semester may at any time before the beginning of the tenth week of a student's final semester; or, if the of attendance is a summer session, at any time before the beginning of the fifth week. (2) That, similarly, substitution! for courses required for the degree may be made as indicated for special examinations in (1) above. 11. Classification of Students Classification of students by years is made In the Recorder's Office at the end of ach year on the number of credits earned. Classification for student activities is based on one of the following scales, depending upon the number of hours required for the degr 120 his. \M) hrs. M6re t h a n i i i i t (1 required 130 hrs, S phomOTC standing. . 27 houi 30 I lours 30 hours Junior standing 56 hours 62 hours 00 hours { Senior aianding ** hours >4 hours 99 hours - re Ml I I S | U
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