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Caption: Dedication - Commerce Building This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
unknown, the professional character of their training seems to become more distinct, the instructors have been brought into more intimate touch with one another and with their students, much to the advantage of all concerned. The work in accountancy, statistics, banking, railway administration, commerce, and in other subjects is now capable of being developed, and will be developed, to a degree of practical efficiency unattainable in the past. And it is not an unpleasing thought to the citizens or Illinois, as well as to the members of the University, that, in developing its facilities for the training of men to fill positions of responsibility in both public and private administrations, the State of Illinois has placed itself in the vanguard of educational progress. Much has been done, during the past eleven years, in the development of the courses in business administration, but much still remains to be done. There are already indications that the accommodations of the new commerce building will be inadequate to the demands that will be made upon it. It is not merely a case of the provision of recitation rooms. Modern methods of instruction in what may fitly be termed business technology call for generous provisions of museums, laboratories, instrument rooms, and so forth. To meet the actual needs of the business world, it will be necessary to expand the courses in accountancy, business organization and practice, commercial law, and other subjects, and new courses in such subjects as salesmanship, advertising, and secretarial work are being called for. Two years have elapsed since the building was authorized* The enrollment of students taking work in economics and commerce during these two years has increased forty per cent. Such progress •hows a lively appreciation of the benefits of training in 6
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