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SYMPOSIUM Thursday, April 4 , 1 9 5 7 Smith Music Hall Auditorium — 2 : 0 0 p.m. Presiding Janice M. Smith, Ph.D. Head, Department of Home Economics University of Illinois T H E CHALLENGE FOR HOME ECONOMICS Moderator Boulah V. Giilaspie, Ph.D. Dean, School of Home Economics Purdue University IN T H E H O M E Pauline Pork Wilson Knapp, Ph.D. Director, The Merrill-Palmer School IN T H E C O M M U N I T Y Kathryn Van Afcen Burnt/ A.M. State Leader Home Economics Extension, Emon'ra University of Illinois IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Jean McNaughton, 8.S. Regional Nutrition Officer, Pood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations