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Caption: Dedication - Band Building - Band Master's Association This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
MEMBERSHIP H O N O R A R Y LIFE PRESIDENT OK. AIUVRT AUSTIN UAKMNU, Director Emeritus, Rami* H O N O R A R Y LIFE MEMBERS PERCY GRAINGER, Composer. White Plains, New York Ft Km GEO re. Composer, Santa Monica. California L s o SOWKRRY, Composer, Chicago University of Ulinoii ARDERN P o t s , Director, Washington High School Band, Sioux Fall*, South Dakota EDDAR B. GANOWARR, Director, State Teachers College Bands, Bcmtdji, Minnesota CAPT. J . M . GAY PER, Director of Music, T h e Canadian Guards Band D R . D O N GILLIS, Composer, Forest Hills, Long Island, New York RICHARD FRANKO GOLDMAN, D i r e c t o r , T h e Goldman Baud MORTON GOULD, Composer, New York, New York D R . RONALD D . GREGORY, Director of Bands, Indiana University H O N O R A R Y LIFE ASSOCIATE MEMBERS L E O M . H A U L S , Director, Central High School Band, Grand Forks, BENNETT C H A P P I E , Middlctown. O h i o North Dakota LYNN SAMS, Butscher Band Instrument C o . , Elkhart, Indiana PAUL A . IIARNER, Director, High School Band, Little town, Pennsylvania LIFE MEMBER CAPT. JAMBS C . HARPER. Director, High School Band, Lenoir, North C A W . RICHARD B . HAYWARD, Former Director, T o r o n t o , O n t a r i o , ConCarolina cert Band DEAN L . HARRINGTON, Director, High School Band, Seaford, Long Island, New York ACTIVE MEMBERS DALE C . HARRIS, Director, High School Band, Pontiac, Michigan ARTHUR J . BABICH, Director, Municipal, County, American Legion LEONARD H . HAIIO, Director of Bands, University of Oklahoma Bands, Los Angeles, California D R . ROBERT H A W K I N S , Chairman, Music Department, Western State HAROLD B. BACH MAN. Director of Bands, University of Florida College, Gunnison, Colorado GLENN C . BAINUM, Director Emeritus, Northwestern University Bands HERBERT HAZELMAN, Director, High School Band, Greensboro, North WILLIAM N . BARTOW, Westfield, New Jersey (retired) Carolina DON BASSETT, Director, Municipal Band, Dayton, O h i o EUOENE F . HEETER, Director, Community Band, La Grange, Illinois WALTER BEELER. Director of Bands, Ithaca College R u s s D . HENEOAR, Director, Municipal Band, Sioux Falls, South Dakota PAUL W . B E H M , Director of Instrumental Music, Mason City, Iowa J O H N J . H B N E Y , Director, High School Band, Deland, Florida DAVID BENNETT, Composer a n d Arranger, St. Charles, Illinois MARK H . HINDSLEY, Director of Bands, University of Illinois JAMES BERDAHL, Director of Bands, University of California HAROLD C . H I N E S , Director of Bands, Arizona State College JOSEPH BEKGEIM. Former Director, N o r t h Division High School Band, L T . CMDR. WILBUR H O L M E S , Former Director, U . S . Navy School of Milwaukee, Wisconsin Music CAPT. ROBERT L . BIERLY. Assistant Director, U . S . Army Field Band D R . KARL M . HOLVIK, Director, Iowa State Teachers College Band CSTDR. CHARLES BRENDLER, Leader, U . S . Navy Band C O L . HOWARD C . BRONSON, Former Chief of Music Branch, S.S. Div., BRUCE H O U S E K N E C H T , Director, H i g h School Band, Joliet, Illinois N I L O W . HOVBY, Former Director, Jordan Conservatory Band. IndiU . S . Army anapolis, Indiana FORREST L . BUCHTEL, Composer a n d Arranger, Evans ton, Illinois COL. GEORGE S. HOWARD, Director, U . S . Air Force Band GREGORY B U E C H E , H e a d of Music D e p a r t m e n t , Colorado State University J O H N E . HOWARD, Director of Bands, University of North Dakota DR. PETER B U Y S , Municipal Director of Music. Hagerstown, Maryland R U S S E L L ROWLAND, Associate Professor, Woodwind Instruments, Fresno RAYMOND T . B Y N U M , Director of Bands, McMurry College, Abilene, State College Texas DAVID W- H U G H E S , Former Director, High School a n d Municipal Bands, MAURICE CALLAHAN, Director of Bands, Duluth Branch, University of Elkhart, Indiana Minnesota F / L C . O . H U N T , Director of Music, Training Command Band, Royal DR. MILBURN E . CAREY, Director of Bands, Phillips University Canadian A i r Force M A C E . CARR, Director, High School Band, River Rouge, Michigan C O L . EARL D . IRONS, Former Director of Bands, Arlington State ColCLATE CHENETTE, Former Director, Municipal Band, Waterloo, Iowa lege, Texas ED CHENETTE. Former Director, Southern College Band, Lakeland, HERBERT N . J O H N S T O N , Director, Philco Corporation Band Florida L . BRUCE JONES, Director of Bands, Louisiana State University CARE CHRISTENSEN, Director Emeritus, South Dakota State College Band JAMES KERR, Director of Bands, University of Wichita PAUL CHRISTENSEN, Director, Municipal a n d High School Bands, H u r o n , KARL L . K I N O , Director, Municipal Band, Fort Dodge, Iowa South Dakota EVERETT D . KISINOER, Assistant Director, University of Illinois Bands A. BERT CHRISTIANSON, Director of Bands, Central Washington College SIMON KOOYMAN, Former Director, High School Band, Clarksdale, of Education Mississippi WELDON COVINGTON, Supervisor of Instrumental Music, Director, MunicO T T O J . KRAUSHAAR, Director of Music, Miami Senior High School, ipal Band, Austin, Texas Florida WILBUR CRIST, Director, Capital University a n d Columbus, O h i o , ConFRANKLIN C . KREIDER, Di rector, H i g h School Band, Collinsville, Illinois cert Bands EDWIN C . K R U T H , Director, San Francisco State College Band M A I . H U G H J . CURRY, Leader, U . S . Army Band L E O K U C I N S K I , Director, Municipal Band, Sioux City, Iowa D R . EDWARD D ' A N N A , Director, Niagara Falls Concert Band CAESAR LA MONACA, Director, Municipal Band, Miami, Florida CAPT. T H O M A S F . DARCY, J R . , Former Leader, U . S . Army Band NICHOLAS D . D E R U B E R T I S , Composer a n d Arranger, Kansas City CAPT. ROBERT L . LANDERS, Assistant Director, U . S . Air Force Band CAPT. BARRY H . D R E W E S , Former Assistant Director, U . S . Military PHILLIP LANO, Composer a n d Arranger, New York, New York Academy Band D R . J O S E P H F . LECHNYR, Director of Bands, University of V e r m o n t JAMES W . D U N L O P , Director of Bands, Pennsylvania State University E R I K LEIDZEN, Composer a n d Arranger, New York, New York C O L . RICHARD J . D U N N , Former Director, A.&M. College of Texas Band LOWELL LITTLE, Director, Texas State College for Women Band D R . RAYMOND P . DVORAK, Director of Bands, University of Wisconsin CAPT. SAMUEL R. LOBODA, Assistant Leader, U . S . Army Band ROBERT E. L O W R Y , Director of Bands, Morningside College, Sioux City, FREDERICK C . EBBS, Director of Bands, State University of Iowa Iowa MERLE EVANS, Former Director, Ringliug Brothers Circus Band ROBERT L . MADDOX, Director of Instrumental Music, Odessa. Texas T H O M A S F . F A S I S H , Director, DcPaul University Band D R . J O S E P H E . MADDY, President, National Music C a m p , Intcrlochen, Michigan LEONARD FALCONE, Director of Bands, Michigan State University JACK H . M A H A N , Director of Bands, Arlington State College. Texas RICHARD M . FEASEL, Director, Stetson University Band, Deland, Florida FRANK MANCINI, Director, Civic Band a n d Orchestra, Modesto, CallFREDERICK FENNELL, Director, Eastman School of Music Wind Ensemble fortua ROBERT E . FIELDER, Director, High School Band, Abilene, Texas A. R . MCALLISTER, J R . , Director, American Legion Memorial Band, K. BERNARD FITZOKKALD, Director of Bands, University of Kentucky Joliet, Illinois FRED MOCALL, Director of Bands, University of Miami, Florida LA WHENCE FOOKLSERO, Director, Bradley University Band, Peoria, Illinois
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