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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i95«] U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S 1279 REGULATIONS REGARDING ASSESSMENT OF RESIDENT AND NONRESIDENT FEES (9) The Committee on Fees recommends a modification of Rules 14 and 15 in the "Regulations Governing Assessment of Resident and Nonresident Fees," adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 17, 1957, to read as follows: "14. Persons who are actively serving in one of the Armed Forces of the United States and who are stationed and present in the State of Illinois in connection with that service, and the spouses and children of such persons, shall be permitted to attend the University upon paying the same tuition and other fees assessed against resident students as long as such first mentioned person remains so stationed and present in this State and the spouse or child attending the University is also living in this State. "15. Staff members and the spouses and children of staff members of the University on full time appointment at the University shall be permitted to attend the University upon paying the same tuition and other fees assessed against resident students during the period the staff member holds such appointment and is performing the duties of the University position to which he has been appointed." I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, these amendments were approved. APPROPRIATION BY THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (10) The Board of Directors of the Athletic Association have made an assignment of $6,000 to reimburse the Alumni Association for expenses incurred in the promotion of the Grants-in-Aid program. Confirmation of this action is requested. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this action was confirmed. APPROPRIATION FOR THE CHICAGO PROFESSIONAL COLLEGES (11) Since adoption by the Board of Trustees of a revised schedule of fees for services at the Research and Educational Hospitals, the amount of collections from patients has increased. The present quarters for the clerical work of handling collections are inadequate, and the Medical Director of the Research and Educational Hospitals and the Vice-President in charge of the Chicago Professional Colleges recommend remodeling of the area to expand and improve the facilities. The Vice-President and Provost and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an appropriation of $17,000, the estimated cost of this remodeling, from unassigned funds available in 1958-59. I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, this appropriation was made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Bissell, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Nickell, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Herrick, Mr. Stratton. CONTRACT FOR SMITH MEMORIAL HALL ROOFING (12) The Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $5,945 to the Champaign Midwest Roofing Company, Champaign, Illinois, the lowest bidder, for replacing the roof on Smith Memorial Hall. Funds are available in the Physical Plant Department budget. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Bissell, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Nickell, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Herrick, Mr. Stratton. CONTRACT FOR FURNITURE FOR THE ADDITION TO THE EAST DENTISTRY-MEDICINE-PHARMACY BUILDING \}3) The Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $6,354 to the Allied School
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