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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1278 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 GRADUATE PROGRAM IN ASTRONOMY (7) The University now offers a graduate program, approved in 1953, leading to the degree of Master of Science in Astronomy. T h e Urbana Senate recommends expansion of this program to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Astronomy. Submitted herewith is a statement giving the details of the program, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION OF STUDENTS (8) The Board of Trustees on January 28, 1956, approved a recommendation for modification of the University's requirement of the pre-entrance physical examination of students enrolling at Urbana to authorize delegation of the performance of the examination, in whole or in part, to doctors of medicine not on the staff of the Health Services, this to be at the option of the student and at his expense. This was approved for a trial period for one year and was subsequently extended for another year. There is submitted herewith a report from the Acting Administrator of Health Services on the operation of this physical examination program and on experiences of other universities having similar programs. A copy of this report is being filed with the Secretary for record. The Acting Administrator makes the following specific recommendations: The present trial period of the optional programs shall be extended to December 31, 1958, and on that date modified and continued permanently as recommended below. Effective January I, 1959, all new students proposing to enroll in the University of Illinois, or in the University High School at Urbana, shall be required, before completion of their registration, to present adequate evidence of satisfactory physical and mental health as determined by the Director of Health Services. The Director of Health Services of the University shall prescribe the form, extent, and scope of the required pre-entrance examinations. The examination may be obtained in accordance with either of these procedures, as the entering student may prefer: ( a ) The pre-entrance examination, except for foreign students, may be performed by properly qualified doctors of medicine of the student's choice, in Illinois or in other states, territories, or possessions of the United States, the cost of such examinations to be borne by the student. The examinations shall be subject to final evaluation and approval by the Director of Health Services who may require additional examinations if deemed necessary. The examination shall be completed within the six-month period immediately preceding the registration date for the particular semester or summer session, and the completed examination record shall be forwarded or delivered to the Director of Health Services at least fifteen days prior to the date of registration for the particular semester or summer session. (b) As an alternative to ( a ) above, students may obtain, free of charge, their pre-entrance physical examination, preferably by appointment, at the University Health Service until fifteen days prior to the date of registration for the particular semester or summer session. Thereafter, the Health Service shall conduct m > physical examinations of entering students for that semester or summer session, except for foreign students. Students arriving on campus after such date (itfifteen days preceding registration) without a prior physical examination will be directed to a local practicing physician of the student's choice for the pre-entrance physical examination which examination shall be at the student's expense. . Former and continuing students in the University of Illinois and in the Lniversity High School may also be required to present adequate evidence of satisfactory physical and mental health prior to readmission to or continuation in " ie University. I concur in the foregoing recommendations, and recommend that the regulations governing the required pre-entrance examinations apply to students enrollu'S at Urbana-Champaign and at the Chicago Undergraduate Division, but not to students at the Chicago Professional Colleges. On motion of Mrs. Holt, these recommendations were approved.
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