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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I958] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I277 Mathematics on indefinite tenure and Head of the Division (Department) of Mathematics at the Chicago Undergraduate Division beginning September 1, 1958, at an annual salary of $9,000 ( A ) . Some time ago Professor M. C. Hartley, Head of the Division of Mathematics, asked to be relieved of the headship effective February 1, 1958. This request was approved and Mr. R. M. Price, Assistant Dean of Engineering Sciences and Associate Professor of Physics, was appointed Acting Head for the period February 1 through August 31, 1958. These actions were confirmed by the Board on January 16, 1958. A special search committee to study the qualifications of available candidates has recommended this appointment and all members of the Division (Department) of professorial rank have been consulted. The Vice-President and Provost and the Dean of the Graduate College join in the recommendation. I concur. On motion of Mr. Bissell, this appointment was approved. COORDINATOR OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION PROGRAMS (5) Professor Deane G. Carter of the Department of Agricultural Engineering, who has also been serving as Coordinator of the International Cooperation P r o grams on the Vice-President and Provost's staff, has requested that he be retired from active service at the end of the current academic year. To replace him the Vice-President and Provost recommends the appointment of Professor Ralph C. Hay of the Department of Agricultural Engineering as Professor of Agricultural Engineering on indefinite tenure and Coordinator of the International Cooperation Programs beginning September r, 1958, at a total salary of $ir,ioo on "AY" basis. He will begin his service in this position as Coordinator-designate as of July 1, working with Professor Carter during the last two months of his active service. 1 concur in this recommendation. On motion of Mr. Nickell, this appointment was approved. On motion of Mr. Bissell, the Board recorded its appreciation of the services of Professor Deane G. Carter, and the Secretary was requested to send him a letter to this effect on behalf of the Trustees. REORGANIZATION O F THE COLLEGE OF P H A R M A C Y (6) The faculty of the College of Pharmacy has recommended, and the Chicago Professional Colleges Senate has approved, the reorganization of the College, which is presently not departmentalized, into the following departments with assignments of functions as indicated in each case: Department of Pharmacy, including the academic program, research, and general supervision of the manufacturing pharmacy and hospital pharmacy in the Research and Educational Hospitals and the Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary. Department of Chemistry, including instruction and research in chemistry, physics, and mathematics. Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology, including instruction and research in the biological sciences underlying these subjects. Department of Pharmaceutical Administration, including the instruction and research in accounting, marketing, management, economics, and pharmaceutical jurisprudence; other courses usually classified in Liberal Arts and Sciences, which are now offered or which may be added to the curriculum, will be assigned to this Department. The College has been operated for many years on the basis of a division of responsibilities according to the departmental organization here recommended, but we administration has been only a working assignment. The administration of the College will be more effective by delegation of responsibilities in specific areas of teaching and research to regularly constituted departments with a qualified head in each case. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved.
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