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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1276 BOARD OF T R U S T E E S [June 19 ticipating in this meeting, and that the Committee supports the budgetary recommendations. President Henry reviewed the presentations he made to the Finance Committee which are contained in the "Condensed Analysis and Summaries" submitted to the Board along with the complete budget in advance of the meeting. A copy of this document is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. Following extended discussion in which all the Trustees present participated, on motion of Mr. Swain, the budget was adopted, the President of the University was authorized to take the actions specified above, and the necessary appropriations were made as recommended. This action was taken by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Bissell, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Nickell, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Herrick, Mr. Stratton. The complete budget is printed as an appendix to these minutes beginning on page 1350. INTERNAL BUDGET O F T H E ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION FOR 1 9 5 8 - 5 9 (2) The Director of Intercollegiate Athletics submits, on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Athletic Association, the budget for the Association for 1958-59 which is summarized as follows with comparative figures for the preceding year; 1957-58 1958-59 Revised Proposed Estimate Budget Income $1 148 500 $1 125 250 Appropriations 1 142 015 1 121 679 Excess of income over appropriations $ 6 485 $ 3 571 The budget has been examined and approved by the Vice-President and Provost and the Vice-President and Comptroller. I recommend t h a t this budget be approved and that the President of the University be authorized to make such changes and adjustments, including approval of new appointments and acceptances of resignations, as are necessary and recommended by the Board of Directors of the Athletic Association within the total income realized. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this budget was approved, and authority was given as recommended. APPOINTMENTS TO T H E FACULTY (3) T h e following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. ROBERT V. COLEMAN, Research Assistant Professor of Physics, beginning October I, 1958, at an annual salary of $7,000 ( F Y ) . 2. JOSEPH GREENGARD, Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, beginning June 1, i°5& without salary ( A Y ) . 3. PAUL E. HEMP, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Education, beginning September I, 1958, at an annual salary of $7>750 ( B Y ) . 4. OTTO PFLANZE, Assistant Professor of History, beginning September I, 195$. at an annual salary of $7,000 ( B ) . 5. ROGER YOERGER, Associate Professor of Agricultural Engineering, beginning July I, 1958, at an annual salary of $9,750 (C-AY50; S-AY50). On motion of Mr. Williamson, these appointments were confirmed. HEADSHIP OF DIVISION OF MATHEMATICS AT THE CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (4) T h e Executive Dean of the Chicago Undergraduate Division recommends the appointment of Dr. George William Morgenthaler as Associate Professor 01
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