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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS June 19, 1958 The June meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Sheraton-Blackstone Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, on Thursday, June 19, 1958, beginning at 3:00 p.m., central daylight saving time. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Cushman B. Bissell, Mrs. Doris S. Holt, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Park Livingston, Mr. Vernon L. Nickell, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Mr. Wirt Herrick and Governor William G. Stratton were absent. Also present were President David D. Henry, Vice-President and Provost Gordon N. Ray, Dr. H. E. Longenecker, Vice-President in charge of the Chicago Professional Colleges, Executive Dean C. C. Caveny of the Chicago Undergraduate Division, Mr. C. S. Havens, Director of the Physical Plant Department, Mr. Ralph F. Lesemann, Legal Counsel, Mr. C. W. Sanford, Dean of Admissions and Records, Director L. A. Bryan of the Institute of Aviation and Chairman of the Lniversity Traffic and Parking Board, Professor Charles H. Bowman, Acting Administrator of Health Services, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Director ot Public Information, Mr. Morris S. Kessler, Assistant Comptroller; and the officers of the Board, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, and -'lr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 1273
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