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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1958] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I267 RESIGNATIONS AND DECLINATIONS ANDERSEN, NIKAAN B., Research Assistant in the Aeromedical and Physical Environment Laboratory — resignation effective May 1, 1958. ANDERSON, DONALD J., Archer-Daniels-Midland Fellow in Food Technology — resignation effective July 1, 1958. BIRGE, WESLEY J., Instructor in Zoology in the Summer Session of 1958 •— declination effective June 16, 1958. BOVEY, BETTY D., Fellow in French — resignation effective September 16, 1958. BREEN, H . EDWARD, Assistant Professor of Accountancy — resignation effective September 1, 1958. BROWN, M R S . MARJORIE THOMPSON, Instructor in Veterinary Clinical Medicine — resignation effective June 24, 1958. CASELLA, RUSSELL C , Research Associate in Physics — resignation effective May 16, 1958. CHODAKOWSKI, ALEXANDER S., Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering in the Summer Session of 1958 — declination effective June 16, 1958. CHU, CHICH R E N , Rockefeller Foundation Fellow in Bacteriology — resignation effective February 1, 1958. CLEVENGER, THEODORE, JR., Instructor in Speech in the Summer Session of 1958 — declination effective June 16, 1958. CONNOLLY, JANE F., Instructor in Medical Social Work — resignation effective July 4, 1958. CUSON, ADRIENNE B., United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Fellow (Trainee) in Education — resignation effective April 16, 1958. EVANS, JOHN E., United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Fellow (Trainee) — resignation effective February 1, 1958. GATES, HALBERT F., Assistant Professor o f Physical Science — resignation effective September 1, 1958. GLAWE, JOHN F., Instructor in the Division of General Studies in the Summer Session of 1958 — declination effective June 16, 1958. GNAT, RAYMOND E., Serials Assistant in the Library — resignation effective June 1, 1958. HAIG, ROBERT L., Assistant Professor of English in the Summer Session of 1958 — declination effective June 16, 1958. HARMAN, MRS. JOAN C , Instructor in Medical Social Work — resignation effective May 17, 1958. HARRIS, CHARLES W., Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture—resignation effective September i, 1958. HOCHSCHILD, GERHARD P., Professor of Mathematics — resignation effective September 1, 1958. HODGINS, FRANCIS E., JR., Instructor in English in the Summer Session of 1958 — declination effective June 16, 1958. HOLLEYMAN, JEWELL B., Research Associate in the State Water Survey — resignation effective May 16, 1958. HUMPHREYS, LLOYD G., Professor of Psychology in the Summer Session of 1958 — declination effective Tune 16, 1958. JOHNSON, FRANCES L., Instructor in the University Speech Clinic in the Summer Session of 1958 — declination effective June 16, 1958. JONES, STANLEY L., Associate Professor of Social Sciences in the Chicago Undergraduate Division, in the Summer Session of 1958 — declination effective June 20, 1958. KAUF, ROBERT, Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages in the Chicago Undergraduate Division, in the Summer Session of 1958 — declination effective June 20, 1958. KLEIN, JEROME D., Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work — resignation effective March I, 1958. "M)BAYASHI, KOICHI, Research Assistant Professor of Physics — resignation effeclive July I, 1958. '-EVEQUE, LEROY D., Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy, in the Re. search and Educational Hospitals — resignation effective May 23, 1958. UVINSON, IDA, Assistant Professor in the University Speech Clinic in the Summer , Session of 1958 — declination effective June 16, 1958. session "JANG, MILLY C. H „ Instructor in Pediatrics — resignation effective May 1, 1958.
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