UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958 [PAGE 1247]

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[May 29

desirable to discontinue the use of the latter by the University. The University has not made any use of the tract conveyed to it by Thomas G. and Mary Dean since December 31, 1954, and, in view of the University's discontinuance of the use of the tract for the purposes specified in the deed for a period of more than two consecutive years, the Board of Education of the Sparta Township High School District has adopted a resolution requesting the University to convey the east half of the tract to the County Board of School Trustees of Randolph County, Illinois, and to their successors in office, for the use of the Sparta Township High School District No. I l l , Randolph County, Illinois. The attorney for the Board of Education of the Sparta Township High School District and the Legal Counsel of the University are in agreement that the east half of the tract can be properly so conveyed by quit claim deed in accordance with the provisions of the deed given the University by the Deans. Accordingly, the Dean of the College of Agriculture and the Vice-President and Comptroller of the University recommend that the action of the College of Agriculture in discontinuing the use by the University of said land for a period of more than two consecutive years immediately preceding the receipt of said request from said Board of Education be confirmed and ratified, that said request be granted by the making, execution, and delivery of a quit claim deed so conveying the University's interest in the east half of said tract of land, and that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to make, execute, and deliver such deed on behalf of the University and its Board of Trustees. I concur and also recommend the adoption of the following resolution prepared by the Legal Counsel, viz.: Resolution WHEREAS, by deed bearing date of July 1, 1915, one Thomas G. Dean and Mary Dean, his wife, of Randolph County, Illinois, conveyed to the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and their successors in office a tract of land, situated in said county, containing twenty acres more or less and described as follows: Beginning at a stone at the northwest corner of the S.E. Quarter of the S.E. Quarter of Section 36, T 4 S, R 6 W, Randolph County, Illinois, thence running east along the north line of said S.E. Quarter of the S.E. Quarter of said Section 36 for a distance of 1177.5 feet, thence running south parallel to and 147.5 f e e t west of the east line of said Section 36 for a distance of 727.5 feet, thence running west parallel to and 592.5 feet north of the south line of said Section 36 for a distance of 1181 feet to the west line of said S.E. Quarter of the S.E. Quarter of said Section 36, thence running north along said west line of the S.E. Quarter of the S.E. Quarter of said Section 36 for a distance of 727.5 feet more or less to the point of beginning; which deed is recorded in Book 78 at Page 63 of the records of the Recorder's Office of Randolph County, Illinois; and WHEREAS, said deed provided that the grantee therein was to use the tract conveyed to it thereby for the purposes of agricultural experimentation and demonstration and further provided that if the grantee should discontinue using said land for said purposes for a period of more than two consecutive years it shall, when requested, convey by proper deed to the Sparta Township High School the east half of said above described tract of land; and WHEREAS, the grantee in said deed has now discontinued the use by it of said land for said purposes for a period of more than two consecutive years and this Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois has been requested by the Board of Education of the Sparta Township High School District to convey the east half of said hereinabove described land as hereinafter resolved, authorized, and provided for the purpose of complying with and carrying out the provisions ot said hereinabove mentioned deed: Therefore, It Is Hereby Resolved by this Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the discontinuance for a period of more than two consecutive years immediately prior to the receipt of said request from said Board of Education by the College of Agriculture of the University of Illinois of the use of said hereinabove described land for the purposes specified in the hereinabove mentioned deed be, and the same is hereby confirmed and ratified; and