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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1022 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [December 17 36. Jones and McKnight Foundation, Chicago, Illinois: scholarship in civil engineering 37. Junior Women's Advertising Club of Chicago: scholarships for women students in the advertising program of the College of Journalism and Communications 38. Kensington Steel Foundry, Chicago: scholarships in mechanical engineering (Chicago Undergraduate Division) 39. David Kinley Educational Foundation, Chicago: scholarships in the College of Commerce and Business Administration 40. T h e Kroger Company, Cincinnati, Ohio: six scholarships ($200 each) in agriculture and home economics 41. Captain James M. Lane, former Professor of Naval Science at the University of Illinois: scholarships ($400 was received in December, 1955) 42. Lions Clubs in the Chicago area: graduate and undergraduate scholarships for students undertaking training for teaching of handicapped children Central Lions Club of Chicago $500 00 LaGrange Lions Club S°° 00 Lions of District I-A 250 00 Lions of District I-C 250 00 Lions of District I-J 500 00 Logan Square Lions Club, Chicago 500 00 Lyons Lions Club 500 00 Northcenter Lions Club of Chicago 250 00 Uptown Lions Club, Chicago 500 00 In the name of Claribel Woodward 500 00 43. Men's Residence Halls Association: scholarship, academic year 1957-58 • 44. T h e Meyer-Ceco Foundation, Chicago: scholarships in civil and general engineering 45. Mississippi Valley Structural Steel Company, St. Louis, Missouri: scholarships to students in civil engineering and architectural engineering who are interested in careers in the structural steel fabricating industry 46. Monsanto Chemical Company, St. Louis, Missouri: scholarships in chemical engineering, academic year 1957-58 47. Mothers Association, University of Illinois: scholarships 48. Motorola, Inc., Chicago, Illinois: two scholarships in the Department of Art, academic year 1956-57 49. National Merit Scholarship Corporation, Evanston: scholarships to students who are not Merit Scholars, equal to tuition, exclusive of fees, for students who are residents of the state (the National Merit Scholarship Program is a nationwide cooperative program of assistance to students of exceptional ability and to the colleges they select) 50. Nelson ( H e r m a n W.) Memorial Scholarship Fund (formerly American Air Filter Foundation), Moline: scholarships in engineering 51. Owens-Illinois Glass Company, Toledo, Ohio: scholarships 52. P i Kappa Lambda music fraternity: for the F . B. Stiven Memorial Scholarship in music 53. Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Company, Library, Pennsylvania: renewal of scholarship in chemical engineering, academic year 1957-58 54. T h e Presser Foundation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: renewal of scholarship in music, academic year 1956-57 55. Ralston Purina Company, St. Louis, Missouri: scholarship in the College of Agriculture, academic year 1956-57 56. Rock Island County University of Illinois Mothers Association: scholarship for a student attending the University from the metropolitan area of Rock Island, Moline, East Moline, or Silvis 500 00 400 00 375 00 1 500 00 1 200 00 800 00 4 250 00 50 00 1 000 00 900 00 500 00 390 00 1 000 00 1 040 00 1 000 00 87000 500 00 500 00 350 00 500 00 130 00
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