UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Dedication - Radio Telescope Newspaper Coverage [PAGE 3]

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Dedicate Giant SIX FROM (II Radio Telescope ON EXTENSION E

DANVILLE—Is the universe flying to pieces) This question will be explored by the giant new raNew dio telescope of the University of Illinois. Prof. George C. McVittie, head, U. of I. department of astronomy, said DANVILLE - Three Univer- nun sity of Illinois faculty mem- ployi Friday afternoon at the Wolford Hotel, Danville, bers and three non-University!on tl H e spoke at a dedicatory representatives Friday were I luncheon sponsored by the signment in Western Europe. named by the UI Board of Trus-j meni We earnestly hope that this and Danville Chamber of Comtees to the advisory committee! merce. This telescope, he said, the other modest requests for the Division of University j - . was specifically built to study for frequency protection for ra- Extension. dio astronomy will be granted the universe. Meeting at the Wolford Ho-j " by our government" It has a 5-acre reflecting surtel, Danville, trustees approved for(? Prof. Swenson said the Uni- three UI persons to the com-; j n i t ^ face to concentrate radio signals from space and is located versity of Illinois instrument is mlttee: Prof. Charles K. Bright-("J* 1 at the University's Vermilion the largest reflector of its bill, head, recreation and m u - j 0 ' c n I River Observatory 5 miles type. It is 400 by 600 feet. nicipal park administration; -D'esoutheast of Danville. Prof. Warrep F. Doolittle Jr.,4 M He explained that the teleProf. McVittie said, "Our con- scope consists of a parabol- art department; and Prof. Ken- Chlcl cern is with remote astronomi- ic-cylindrical reflector, cre- neth J. Trigger, mechanical itect cal objects — the galaxies, vast ated by shaping a ravine, engineering department; re- erina agglomerations of stars of which focuses Incoming ra- placing Profs. Ross J. Martin, Clinii which our own Milky Way sys- dio waves on a linear ar- R. Stewart Jones and Director The tem is but one example. inary ray of small receiving an- Duane A. Branigan. "The distances of the galax- tennas. Non - UI representatives: ings, ies, their distribution in space, Russell L. Giun, president, In-| and i the number of them which we Adjusting these a n t e n n a s terstate Printers and Publish-!at a can detect, their angular sizes, steers the "beam" in the north- ers, Danville; William R. Mcln- const are crucial clues to the nature south direction. Rotation of the tosh, superintendent, Rock-jrequj of the universe. earth scans the beam in the ford Public Schools; and Ger- 19631 "We shall try to throw east-west direction. ald Plank, director, personnel struc new l i g h t on the strange Major funds for the new tele- department, Caterpillar Trac- Clink phenomenon of the expand- scope were provided by the Of- tor Co., Joliet; replacing RichF ing universe by which It fice of Naval Research, repre- ard G. Browne, Normal; Dale Sin seems as if our universe is sented at the dedication by Sutton, supervisor of personnel, g a flying to pieces," he said. Capt. J. M. Ballinger, deputy Illinois Bell Telephone Co., Chi- ser "We shall try to find out if a and assistant chief of ONR. Ad- cago; and Giun, who was reap- Pla galaxy sends out radio waves ditional funds came from Na- pointed for one year. strongly throughout its life- tional Science Foundation and Others whose terms have not time or for only a brief period the university. 'expired include: UI - - Profs. In its history. Taking part In the dedication Harvey W. Huegy and George "More fundamentally, we luncheon were trustees of the W. White; non - UI, Uoyd Mcshall seek to discover why one University of Illinois, leaders in Bridc, sub-district director. galaxy emits radio waves pow- government, education, and sci- United Steelworkers of Amerierfully whereas its neighbor ence, and guests. ca, Granite City; and Earl I. does not" Swords, president, Peoria TracTfce danger t h a t man-made Lt. Gov. Samuel H. Sha- tor Co. radio interference might cut the piro, Kankakee, expressed earth off from the rest of the interest and pride of the universe also was pointed out state In the project. How* by Prof. George W. Swenson ard W. < lenient, DeslMaines Jr., electrical engineer and president of the Universiastronomer who for six years ty's Board of Trustees, ex"Pinocchio," a puppet show has worked on planning and pressed thanks to all who constructing the new radio tele- contributed to this out- by Urbana Junior High School scope. standing new facility for students will be presented at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at the Urn Such interference could be pure Ncleiiec. bana Free Library, Boys and accidental or intentional, he President David D. Henry of Girls Library. said. the university pointed out that Steve McNattin and Terry A g a i n s t a o o 1 d enia! many areas of the institution Jackson will present the pupsources — such as neon contributed to success of the pet show. signs, fluorescent lighting, project, and spoke of its jn> Mrs. Bernlece D. Fiske, chilvehicular ignition systems, portanoe for both teaching and dren's librarian, will tell the electric machinery and research. Kenneth R. Bent ley, story, "Johnny and His Mule." electiio fences, the univer- president, Danville Chamber of by Credit. The program will be sity has guarded by acquir- Commerce, presided. finished at 10 a.m. ing a site of substantial area.



Against intentional, Interference from radio transmitters ^^communication*, or hroad>


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