UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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T H E N E W ^ - G A Z E T T E

Universe Breaking Up? UI Will Probe Heavens

s t u d y in di( with Da Parkins. International student* will bej -,,... n r a e r a m wIU I the guest of the Southern Bap- elude countries. itists of Champatgn-Urbaoa at Uvea an Intcmalional Student banquet a t 6:30 p.m. Saturday In[\i/ D A N V I L L E — l a t h e u n i v e r s e flying t o p i e c e s ? Medical Center, Chicago. the Medical Canter, with the Baptist Student Center. j u r y of — - department of Ha> ly FRAN MTEIUt Projects: T h i s q u e s t i o n will b e e x p l o r e d b y t h e g i a n t n e w r a Keynote speaker for Ihe pro- dent ministries, Garbondalc. iasetle University K»mfiF the s a m e a r r a n g e m e n t * a s College of Agriculture: Agron g r a m will be Dr. F r a n k Steely, Reservations can he m a d e those for the nrcMti-cl for d i o t e l e s c o p e of t h e U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois. P r o f . G e o r g e DANVILLE — U n i v e r s i t y : ^ Veterinary Medicine Im- omy. South F a r m Heating sys- professor of history, Murray with the center a t 505 E . C . M c V i t U e . h e a d . U . of 1. d e p a r t m e n t of a s t r o n o m y , s a i d DANVILLE - T h r e e Univcr- \ m n o i s IFHitcel Friday *>* provements. tem, 13,800; Plant pathology, State College, Ky. jGrcen. Friday afternoon at the Wolford Hotel, Danville. sity of Illinois (acuity mem-1 , d n r c h l l e c , « n n u engineers equipment, $5,965; f o r e s t r y , H e s p o k e at a d e d i c a t o r y ! b e n and three non-University'„, " ^ ^ m o r c c p m ] Improve. Clark, Dally, Dietz and As- pressure-vacuum cylinder a n d D r . Steely received h i s ABJ ~~ sociates U r b a n a, w a s ,cnFriday were u n l I h e University of ML degree from the University of Sena Command* To l u n c h e o n s p o n s o r e d b y t h e | s i g n m e n t in Western Europe. rcprescntntivM Saged for engineering services related instrumentation, an ad, • , .... c D a n v i l l e C h a m b e r of C o m - w > earnestly hope that this and named by the UI Board of T r u s - j , _ m chnmpnign-Urbiuia 00 the paving of Oak Street, dition to $10,000 appropriation South Carolina, and his MA r » tees to the advisory c o m m i t t e e ^ Chicago Medical (hc from the University at K e n t u c , r lathing Satellite construction of a Central Trash truly 18, 1963, $4,600. Disposal Depot, and Construc- College of Education: Uni- ky and his P h D from the Uni- WASHINGTON OB-Scientisui tion of parking facilities south versity High School, audio-vis- verslty of Rochester. Among Thursday sent a series of opthe i f i t e a JJ onV^ernnS."0 * ^ n K £ at the Wolford Ho- Trustees meeting In the W £ erating commands to the ANNA Florida Avenue, in C h a m ual equipment and library exI t h a s a 5-acre reflecting sur- H o u r government. , ^ approved^ f °^* ^ Hotel. ^ Danville, ^ ^ ^h^ * Dtimiii,p ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ took t e ^ pansion, $7,327; Industrial edu- Engineering, remodeling to In- flashing light satellite and said ice t o concentrate radio sig- Prof. Swenson said the Unl three UI persons to the ^ com- " M a i ^ stops ^on ^projectsj ^schM- paign-Urbana. •is from space and is located ivenHy of Illinois instrument fcln^tlL^pw'chsrtes i T B r i e h t " I «**»"*« development in the next This agreement also includes cation, equipment, including crease research space and for later the experiment was a suc• f c T U ^ S r S i i ' * Si'! h e a ^ r e S f o n n n u T i l b i e n n i u m , If funds are . « * » pie surveys, estimates of cost surface planer and universal expanslon of machine shop. $4,- cess. The satellite's Winking i t h e University's Vermilion light ;ncd lo help ^ iwr Observatory 5 miles !tyoe. It Li 400 by 600 feet. acipal a d m m U n r a t J Q n ; ble. preparation of plans and spec- grinder, $6,900. •atteest of Danville. The firm of Perkins and Will, ifications and general superviCollege of Engineering: i Statistical Service Unit; AuxB e explained that the telc- Prof. Warrep F . Doollttle J r . , Chicago, was engaged for arch- sion of construction, a t a fee Prat. McYitlie said. "Our conCivil engineering, universal iliary equipment for the 1401 art department; and Prof. Ken_ — Is with remote astronomi- seope constats n( a pnrnbol- neth J. Trigger, mechanical itectural services on the Vet- based on minimum fees of the totting machine, 525,300 > I IBM computer, $5,243. al objects — the galaxies, vast lc-cytlndrirnl reflector, cre- engineering department; University Extension; Aure- erinary Medicine Small Aninwl Ullnnis Society of Professional pbyslca betatron, prefabrf- | ated by nhnplng m ravine, gghauerauons of stars of placing Profs. Ross J. Martin, Clinic, for Champaign-Urbam Engineers. Oak Street Is paved cated metal building, $8,000. I din-Visual Aids service, re.. :r. our own Milky Way sys- which focuscH incoming ra- R. Stewart Jones and Director The contract colls for prelhtt-jto Armory, and this contract College of Fine and Applied placement of .equipment, dio waves on n linenr arm is but one example inary studies, working draw-/ calls for paving beyond t h a t A r t s : School of Music, practice; ninterinls and supplies lost " ' Duane A. Branigan. " T h e distances of the galax- ray of small receiving anIn a flre. a n addition to Non - UI representatives: Ings, plans and specification!, point. These projects also a r e pianos and organs, $36,000. s . their distribution in apace, Russell L. Glim, president. In- and supervision of construction, listed in the new planning for College of Liberal Arts and 525,000 appropriated April x number of them which we Adjusting these a n t e n n a s terstate P r i n t e r s and Publish- at a fee of six per cent of the 196345. S c i e n c e s : Chemistry, under ID, JOfil, 530,010. e t their angular sixes,!steers the " b e a m " in the north- ers, Danville; William R. Mcln- construction costs. Truslces u c Trustees approved SSlfS,- g r a d u a t e teaching equipment, F o r the Chicago undergradRock- requesting $4,000,000 in the new Ml from nonreeurrlng ap- R5.2GG; psychology, comparative uate division these items w e r e isi clues to the nature ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Rotation^ of ^the tosh. superintendent, [south direction. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ [cartfi scans the beam in the ford Public Schools; and Ger- 1963-65 capital budget tor con- propriations for work on a l a b o r n t o r y furnishings and approved: College of Architecniverse. aid Plank, director, personnel struction of the Small Animal number of projects a t Ihe equipment, $9,322: mathemat- ture and Art, equipment, $4,540; awsB try to throw I east-west direction. Clinic and Hospital. I g h t oa the ill-urns'Library, additional acquisitions, i Major funds for the new tele- department. Caterpillar Trac' University. These Include | ics, equipment, $8,135. newon of the expandFriedman, Alscbtiler, and scope were provided by the Ofr*** °°< J o l i c l : replacing RJehthe sum of fJSS.417 for the |! L i b r a r y ; Equipment. $21,530. 515.000; and Medical Canter: averse toy which It Ificc of Naval Research, r e n r e - ' 8 " 1 G - Browne. Normal: Dale Sincere, Chicago, was en* Champaign - 1'rbana de- | College of Physical E d u c a - Physical Plant, replacement o n a a H our univrnte IK isenled at the dedication b y i S u t t o n . supervisor of personnel. g a g e d fur archil rein rat partmenta; sin..-.in for the j tion: Ice Rink, ice resurfacer.i ducts in the Medical Research; I s asecrs." be said. ICapt. J. M. Ballinger. deputy flH™»» Bell Telephone Co., Chi- services on the Physical I Chicago Undergraduate Di- 18,500. Laboratory. $33,000; and P h a r ,*We shall _ try to find out if h a n d assistant chief of ONR. Ad- « * » ; and Glun, who was renp- Plant BITVICO Building, at 3, vision, and $t7,ooo for Ihe f Physical P l a n t Mechanicaljmacy, equipment, $14,000. galaxy sends out radio waves U t l o n a l funds came from Na- pointed for one year. olhcrs who3C tern strongly throughout its We- tJonal Science Foundation and! » have not t u n e or (or only a bnel period j ^ , , university |expired Include: UI — Profa.| ta ** h W * V . _ „ \ Taking p a r t ' I n the dedication " * " ' • * ' w - I I u e e y and George I w "Mtce fundamentally, we luncheon were t r u s t e e of the - While; non - UI, Lloyd Mc-1 shall sees to discover why o r e Universityof Blinds leaders in B r l d c «ub-di*trtct director, | L ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ galaxy emits radio waves now- j government, education, and « * • " • * • ? . Sleelworkers of ^AmeriJ ighbor ence, and guests. irtully whereas its Granite City; and E a r l L [Swords, president, pin T r a c I X Gov. Samuel H. H n plro. Kankakee, expreaaad Intareat and pride of the | stale In the project. How! a r d W. Clement. DeaPlalaea l! president of the • University's Board of TruHleen, ex"Pinocehlo." a puppet show prwtMd thank* t» all who 1 contributed to Hue out- by Urbane Junior High School standing new faelllly for students will be presented a t 9:30 a.m. Saturday a t the Urp u r e itelenee. interference could bana F r e e Library, Boys and a l o r intentional. President David D. Henry of Girls Library. the university pointed out that Sieve MeNatlln and Terry many a r e a s of the institution Jackson will present the pupA gala*I aecldealaJ contributed to success of the pet show. ^ s o c h a* aeon project, and spoke of its Im- Mrs. Bcrnlcce D. Flake, chillighting, portance for both teaching and dren's librarian, will tell the **Memt»* i&tittom ayasem*. rtatlfhi nuddaery a n d | research. Kenneth R. Benlley, story, "Johnny and- His Mule," •tacftss* aaaea*. Ibe nnlver- ! president. Danville Chamber of by Credle. The program will be finished at 10 a.m. *aty aw* guarded by^a^qoJrj Commerce, presided. l a g m aw* of

Dedicate Giant Radio Telescope


UI Engages Architects, Engineers On 3 Projects



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"Laundry Aids With Fashion Maids"