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Caption: Planning Report - Justification for New Agricultural Engineering Building This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
JUSTIFICATION FOR A NEW AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING BUILDING - 3 Sharing facilities in cooperative research. This brings us to elaboration on th« cooperative and Interdepartmental aspects of the activities that would be carried on in a new facility. The facility would provide for the needs of the Department of Agricultural Engineering and it would also permit improvement in the food engineering phases of the. Food Science Department programs, as well as the wood science program of the Forestry Department, A well designed and equipped building would provide for such common needs as environmentally controlled rooms, drying facilities, teaching laboratories , and equipment, as well as facilities for the study of waste disposal and waste utilisation and materials handling and packaging. Joint use by more than one department will ensure greater utilisation of specialised facilities while strengthening unique cooperative research and teaching programs * Facility now in use. From the time of its inception, Agricultural Engineering and its related programs have been located in a facility constructed in 1906 to house the division of farm mechanics of the Agronomy Department, The only addition, a new research laboratory, came in 1952 - almost 20 years ago. The original facility, now 65 years old, has undergone much remodeling, but it has not and cannot satisfactorily meet the needs of the programs it now houses. Need to replace inadequate space. There is a substantial projected space shortage in Agricultural Engineering, and also in the other programs recommended for inclusion in the request for a new facility. But the major justification for the new facility is the need to replace the present inadequate space occupied by all three of the programs. Hide presentation. The slide presentation that follows yill give you a general impression of existing facilities and help you Judge the quality of space presently occupied, Orville G, Bentley, Dean
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